Friday, February 23, 2007
PM-FM conspiracy to sabotage Sachar Committee report on Muslims ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: We do not know how far it is a drama played to fool the Muslims. But a press report that Finance Minister Chidambaram, a Tamil Chettiar, has disobeyed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh?s directive to allot 15% priority sector lending to Muslims makes us suspect that it is a drama.
The Khatri Sikh has been making all sorts of pro-Muslim statements ever since he received the Sachar Committee report by a fellow Khatri. The report is good though there is nothing new. The only thing that is new in the statement is that Muslims are pushed below Dalits by the Brahminical rulers.This is said by an upper caste Hindu, Rajendra Sachar (DV Jan.16, 2007 p.9: ?Sachar Committee Report, Rs. 375, Write to DV office).
Trio indicted: The three top persons involved in the Congress Govt?s version of ?India shining? are Manmohan Singh, Chidambaram and Montek Singh Ahluwalia. DV has indicted all the three and said the trio have excelled the Brahmana Jati Party?s ?India shining? hate-mongers whom the country rejected wholesale in the last election.
The three are birds of the same feather and hence naturally fly together. So the Asian Age lead story of Jan.28, 2007: ?FM ignores PM directives? has to be taken with a pinch of salt.
All the three are Kattar Hindus in thinking excelling the Hindu terrorist party which spoke honest words and did equally honest work to promote the Brahminical interests.
Creator of Harshad Mehta: But Manmohan Singh, who was selected by Sonia Gandhi to head the Congress Govt. in her place, came with a different mandate of the people who rejected the Hindu terrorist party for taking the country towards fascism. But the social, cultural and economic steps the trio took have gone against this mandate of the people and the interests of Muslims, Dalits and the vast sections of the oppressed.
In DV we have said this many times. We have listed all the sins of PM once again at the end of this story.
Manmohan Singh as the henchman of the notorious Brahmin PM, Narasimha Rao, was the father of LPG and gave birth to Harshad Mehta when he was the Finance Minister. How can we forget it? Bringing back such a man, who then destabilised the entire economy of the country putting the blame on ?system failure? and now elevated as PM at the instance of the World Bank under zionist control, was not in the interest of the country. By this time his true face stands fully exposed.
How can the FM totally ignore the PM?s directives on so important an issue concerning Muslims, the burning topic (Sachar Committee report) of the day?
DV Dec.1, 2006 p.12: ?PM kills private sector quota??
DV Sept.16, 2006 p.6: ?Manmohan mischief kills OBC reservation Bill??
DV Aug.16, 2006 p.6: ?Upper caste oppression forcing break-up of India?.
DV Edit July 16, 2006: India grounded & refusing to take off: Manmohan Singh & Co. misleading people:.
DV Edit June 16, 2006: ?Manmohan-Pranab bid to sabotage OBC Quota??
DV Edit June 1, 2006: ?It is time for Manmohan Singh to go?.
DV May 16, 2006 p.7: ?Arjun Singh leads anti-PM revolt in Congress??
Hindu shit falls on Hindu head OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: Anything concerning sex gets front-page priority in India?s ?national? toilet papers. The recent rub in Britain between a silly British TV girl ?racially abusing? a sinking Bombay film star received columns and columns of media coverage and hundreds of hours in TV.
But the Indian ruling upper castes who felt themselves so insulted and offended have forgotten their own past. Did they not silently swallow the insult when the then British rulers of India kept warning boards outside their exclusive clubs announcing ?Dogs and Indians not allowed?? Why they are so angry now?
This writer?s grandson now schooling in London often faced racial insults from White boys in the White area he lived. Hindus living in Kenya and other African countries were driven out for practising racism against Black natives.
?Hindu India? is the founding father of racism which it exported to West. The Hindu caste system is based on varna, the meaning of which is skin colour. Are they not racially oppressing the Untouchables? The Hindu shit fell on the Hindu head itself.
Admiring Nepali Prachanda but killing Indian naxals OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: India?s upper caste rulers? double standards are clearly visible in giving a hero?s welcome to Brahmin ?Prachanda?, the maoist, when he visited Delhi recently. Why the Indian rulers are gunning down naxals (maoists) in Chhattisgarh, AP and all other states but praising the maoist Mahatma of Nepal? Is it because he is a Brahmin?
Pushpa Kamal Dahal heading the Maoist Party of Nepal is better known by his name Prachanda. His 11-year-old violent fight against the Nepalese Govt. has killed thousands and thousands of cadres, mainly Nepali Dalits.
His party has just joined the new Nepali Govt. giving up the 11-year violent insurgency. But when he came to Delhi he got a heroic welcome from the Brahminical media and its leaders including the communists.
BJP-RSS disappoints rulers: Why he has suddenly become the darling of India?s Brahminical ruling class? There is no mystery. The Indian rulers have high hopes in this Brahmin maoist that he will help his jatwalas here to rescue them from their existing mess.
Brahminical rulers thought that their own Brahmana Jati Party (BJP), guided by their Hindu terrorist party RSS, would rescue them from the ?curse? of Dalits who together with Muslims are giving them sleepless nights.
The failure of the BJP, which got defeated in the last parliament election, broke their heart. The quick success of the maoists (naxalites) in capturing a big chunk of India and carving out a corridor right from Nepal down to Bihar and via Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, AP and down to Karnataka within a couple of years has given the rulers new hopes. Because India?s naxal leadership is also in the hands of their jatwalas to whom Prachanda is a great inspiration.
Coup to make Prachanda President: Prachanda?s men have already joined the Nepal Govt. and the reports say his armed maoist cadres may stage a coup to force the govt. to make him the President of Nepal. Once this is accomplished, India?s upper caste-led naxalite (maoist) movement will get a tremendous boost.
What was not possible with the RSS-BJP Hindu shikhandi in the past 80 years or so can be accomplished within a few years by the Brahminical maoists. This is the secret of the Indian rulers jubilation over Prachanda.
When will Gaddar and company understand this Brahminical game?
UN committing suicide ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: That the United Nations is in the pocket of the zionists is a well known fact. DV has said it many times.
On Jan.27, 2007 the UN General Assembly once again proved that it is a stooge of the zionists by voting for an American (read zionist) resolution condemning all those who criticise the World War-II nazi holocaust as a hoax. How can a world body criticise free thought?
UN supported aggressors: The 192-member General Assembly asserted that holocaust as a historical event cannot be denied. But many well-known historians have denied it. (Read article below)
In other words even this world body, the only hope of the humans, by passing such a resolution is trying to gag free expression of views by historians.
Of course, the oppressed humanity had never any hope in the UN. It supported the aggressors in Palestine and Kashmir, the world?s two longest lasting human tragedies. The new UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, a stooge of USA like his predressor, Kofi Annan, endorsed the UN resolution on holocaust.
But Iranian President Ahmedinejad in a statement bravely reiterated his country?s stand that holocaust is a fabrication of history and repeated his prediction that Israel would ?fall to pieces?.
Tehran conference: Iran held a two-day conference in Tehran in December on holocaust attended by famous historians of the world including some Rabbis (Jews).
In DV, we just published (Feb.1, 2007 p.21) a portion of British historian Alan Hart?s book on Jews in which he says Hitler was not anti-Jew and that he had supported the Jews in the creation of Israel. (DV June 1, 2005 p.13: ?Brighter side of Hitler: DV to reveal facts suppressed by history?).
Aids used to ?finish? Blacks ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: When Aids is preventable, why the racists among the White Western people are not doing anything? Dalit Voice had carried so many reports and articles expressing the fear that certain racist forces in the West are using the Aids as a weapon to destroy the rise of the powerful Blacks of Africa. Here is yet another book revealing plans to prevent the rise of Africa. Is it a part of the ?clash of civilisations??
DV Jan.1, 2006 p.8: ?Bill Gates sudden love for slaves of India?.
DV April 16, 2005 p.6: ?Nobel laureate says West invented Aids to exterminate Blacks?.
DV March 1, 2005 p.7: ?Western racist bid to topple Mbeki will not succeed?.
DV Feb.16, 2005 p.4: ?Aids, a White Western conspiracy??
DV Oct.16, 2004 p.27: ?Aids mania?.
DV Oct.1, 2004 p.13: ?Aids drugs aim at Blacks?.
DV Sept.16, 2004 p.12: ?Aids: Western conspiracy??
DV Aug.16, 2004 p.20: ?A White man?s conspiracy to finish Blacks?? & p. 21: ?African Aids statistics bogus?.
How they turned a disease into a disaster ?
Peter GillBritish journalist of the BBC
2007 pp.222 Rs. 195
4737/23 - Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi - 110 002.
Condi on the way-out ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: We once called Condoleezza Rice as ?Black bitch? for selling herself to the White rulers of America and becoming their obedient bumlicker. Yes. She truly represents the state of the Blacks in the US today.
Colin Powell, another Black, at least had the boldness to tell President Bush that his policy on Iraq was bound to fail. And it did fail. The zionists who control the American President demanded his dismissal as the Secretary of State and he was out. They brought in the loyal dog as the No.2 in the US Administration.
But today the same fellows who brought her in are blaming her for not giving the right advice to Bush. That means Condi is on the way-out. Call the dog mad and shoot.
Bush and his policies failed because he was obeying the dictates of the zionist controllers of USA. Not because of Condi.
Colin Powell could have resigned in protest when his advice on Iraq was not accepted by Bush. But he did not and so he was dismissed and disgraced. Condi?s ?death? is still worse. She was the ?closest? to Bush and yet today sidelined. Meanwhile, the zionist controllers are trying to groom another loyal dog to the White House: Senator Barack Obama, a half Black with a Muslim ancestry.
If the Democratic presidential candidate wins he will be the first Black in the White House. They are also testing Senator Hillary Clinton, who to please the zionist masters became a great supporter of Iraqi war but facing voter wrath for being a war-monger. Anybody between the two will be selected depending upon how close the candidates would come to zionist ideas.
In USA, the voters have no say on policies which are decided by the its 2% zionist controllers of the country.
Suicide of a nation ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: Zionist controllers of America are tightening the noose round the neck of the world?s sole super power. Step by step they are squeezing Americans but President Bush and his Govt. are unperturbed about the approaching suicide of a nation.
In DV, we have predicted all this. Much against the wish of the Baker Committee report, which was outright rejected by Bush, more troops are being rushed to Iraq where the American soldiers are made to die. George Bush has hit the bottom of his career having become so unpopular.
Meanwhile, the anti-Muslim war is being expanded to Iran and all preparations are being made to attack it before April (DV Feb.1, 2007 p.7).
Even as the political and military downfall of US is increasing day by day, so also its economic collapse. This also was predicted in DV.
London?s Financial Times (Jan.14, 2007) confirms our prediction.
The euro has displaced the US dollar as the world?s pre-eminent currency in international bond markets, having outstripped the dollar-denominated market for the second year in a row. The data consolidate news last month that the value of euro notes in circulation had overtaken the dollar for the first time.
Outstanding debt issued in the euro was worth the equivalent of $4,836bn at the end of 2006 compared with $3,892 billion for the dollar, according to International Capital Market Association (ICMA) data. Outstanding euro-denominated debt accounts for 45% of the global market, compared with 37% for the dollar. New issuance last year accounted for 49% of the global total.
That represents a startling turnabout from the pattern seen in recent decades, when the US bond market dwarfed its European rival: as recently as 2002, outstanding euro-denominated issuance represented just 27% of the global pie, compared with 51% for the dollar.
DV carried the story of Iran giving the first kick to USA (DV Feb.1, 2007 p.20). But the US rulers are unperturbed about their own country. But why the citizens of America are sleeping?
Secret of 3% Brahmins ruling India OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: Brahmins are foreigners along with other Aryan varna groups like the Kshatriyas and Vaishyas (Banias).
This is the finding of the Hyderabad-based Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB).
This adds credence to the theory that ?lower castes? emerged from tribal populations.
CCMB scientists analysed the Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA of three tribal populations of South India and compared the results with the available data from across the Indian subcontinent.
?The paternal lineage of Indian lower castes shows closer affinity to the tribal populations than to upper castes?, said Dr. Kumaraswamy Thangaraj. A significant aspect of the study is that its Y-SNP data provides compelling genetic evidence for the tribal origin of the lower caste populations. (Asian Age, Jan.15, 2007).
The non-Aryan sections are called SC/ST/BCs though in the Constitution of India they are included under the ?Hindu?. An overwhelming majority of Muslim/Christian/Sikh also belong to the non-Aryan section.
The above mentioned six non-Aryan (and hence non-Hindu) sections put together comprise over 85% of the Indian population (1,100 millions) leaving a micro-minority Hindus (15%).
But even in this four-fold (chaturvarna) caste system of Hindus there is one prominent group called the shudras who form the single largest.
The Brahmins may be less than 3% and the other two ? Kshatriya and Vaishya ? may be less than 2%. That leaves the shudras (10%) who also are hostile to the three dwija (twice-born) caste groups ? Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishya.
Why the shudras hate the dwijas? Because the Brahmins have demoted and condemned them declaring them adwijas.
The shudras are the county?s most problem group. The Brahmins are kicking them. That is why they hate them. Yet they are not willing to join the over 85% non-Hindu group of SC/ST/BCs who are the children of this soil being its original inhabitants.
Who are the shudras? For details read Babasaheb Ambedkar book Who Were the Shudras (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar W&S Vol.7, 1990).
These stupid shudras are neither here nor there. They are not only a problem to the country but more than that they are a problem unto themselves.
Who then are these shudras?
They are the Jats in the cowbelt, Kayasths of Bengal, Bihar, UP Etc, Patels of Gujarat, Marathas and Kunbis (Maharashtra), Reddys and Khammas (AP), Vokkaligas and Lingayats (Karnataka), Nairs (Kerala), Mudaliars, Vellalas (TN), Baidyas (Bengal).
The moment these unthinking shudras realise that they are used by the Brahmins as their slippers (chappals) and these slippers are also used by Brahmins to beat the non-Aryan children of this soil, the country?s caste dilemma will get automatically resolved.
The shudras are the land-owning castes all over India. The SC/ST/BCs work as farm labour on their lands. The shudra castes are the country?s politically most powerful because they can manipulate the SC/ST/BCs working under them and hence dominate them.
The sharp caste and class contradictions between the shudras and SC/ST/BCs are exploited by the Brahmins to divide the two and rule.
No doubt the shudras intensely hate the Brahmins but the Brahmins use the caste contradictions between them and the SC/BCs to divide the two and rule both.
This is the secret of the Brahmins ruling India despite being a micro-minority and also of foreign origin.
Muslims hated but Kalam loved ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: Upper castes (Hindus) hate Muslims. It is this hatred of Muslims that caused the partition of India, Kashmir problem, Babri Masjid demolition, Gujarat Genocide and many more ghastly tragedies. The Sachar Committee Report 2006 (DV Jan.16, 2007 p.9) reveals how much the Hindus hate the Muslim.
If this is true why the same hate-mongering Hindus love President Abdul Kalam, a Muslim? (DV Dec.16, 2006 p.6: ?Why upper castes are all praise for Kalam as a good man??).
All over India the upper cases have launched a massive signature drive and email campaign to secure a second term for Kalam. Already lakhs of signatures have been collected in support of India?s ?missile man?.
Know the ?Hindu mind?: Kalam?s term ends on July 25. The Brahmana Jati Party (BJP), which represents the quintessence of Hindu hypocrisy, is all-out for Kalam. But the ?secular? Congress Party has said no. Why this Brahminical love for Kalam when Muslims are so intensely hated? It is this diehard dichotomy that is devastating India.
The Hindu says one thing and does the very opposite of it. The ?Hindu mind? is a scourge of not merely every Hindu but of the entire ?Hindustan?. If anybody is interested in saving ?Hindustan?, she/he has to first study this ?Hindu mind?. Our book on this subject is getting ready.
Arab stooges support US attack on Iran OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: Shocking news is coming from Middle East. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and some Gulf states, all stooges of America, have supported its plan to attack Iran. All these are Arab states and Sunni. Iran is Shia. If the reports are true it marks the beginning of World War-III in which the invaders and their Arab collaborators would end up being the biggest losers. President Musharraf of Pakistan is visiting the offending Arab states this week. Hope he is able to get public denial of the news of their collaboration with the US. A tour of the Middle East by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice culminated on Jan.16 in a meeting in Kuwait and the signing of a joint communique by the foreign ministers of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) plus Egypt and Jordan.
Stop SEZ & return lands to farmers OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: That the Indian ruling class is not interested in India and the Indians can be best proved from Manmohan Singh?s dangerous SEZ policy.
There was a time when ? under the influence of the Sarkari Sant (Vinobha Bhave) ? the rich donated their land to the poor, a scheme known as Bhoodan. In today?s India, there is a ?reverse Bhoodan?, with the land of the poor being compulsorily acquired for the rich at a pittance. There was a time when the rich paid the taxes; and the poor and the middle classes were either exempt or paid low rates of taxes. In today?s India, the rich get tax holidays while the poor bear the brunt of taxation. This ?perversion? has a name: SEZ.
Even the IMF thinks SEZs are a bad idea. Even the Brahmin journal Frontline says that huge tracts of acquired land are being handed over to corporations in ?sweetheart? deals and scams centered on SEZs.
One can understand the govt.?s power of eminent domain being exercised to compulsorily acquire land for a public purpose such as a port or roads or a govt. building complex. But resorting to compulsory land acquisition for the benefit of private companies ? in the name of promoting industrialisation? can never be tolerate.
It is a mystery why the ?arch votaries of the market? and ?ferocious opponents of public subsidy? like Ratan Tata, Narayanamurthy, Azim Premji, the Ambanis and others can?t pay market prices and buy land directly from farmers instead of looking upto the govt. to acquire land for them at subsidised prices. The Tamil Nadu Govt. allotted 346 acres of land to the Ford car project, which itself was on the higher side. Why do the Tatas need 997 acres for their car project? Why does Narayanamurthy need 350 acres in Bangalore, Mysore and Mangalore for Infosys, when everyone knows that IT is not a land-intensive industry and a mere 10 acres may have sufficed? It is clear that these so-called ?captains of the industry?-turned-realtors have one set of standards for themselves and another for farmers and lesser mortals.
The Manuwadi Marxist Govt. of W.Benal proposes to acquire 10,000 acres of farm lands for the Salim Group of Indonesia. What is the reputation of this Salim Group? The simple fact is it is a Suharto crony company says it all. It cheated the Indonesian Govt. and robbed the consumers when Jakarta?s water supply system was privatised. Any decent Leftist wouldn?t want to touch such a degenerate capitalist as the Salim Group with a hundred foot pole. Like politics, business too seems to make for strange bedfellows.
SEZ must be abandoned and land returned to farmers. Our people must fight until then.
NREGS fails in Andhra Pradesh ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: DV was the first in India to predict that the UPA Govt.?s ?most prestigious? and widely publicised NREGS (National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme) would fail.
We have published many reports on govt.?s own admission of the failure. Here is one more.
Bandlapalli (Anantapur dt.): Nearly a year after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh launched a programme operationalising NREGS from this sleepy village in AP most of the goalposts set in 2006 remain unfulfilled. While launching it on Feb.2 last year in the presence of UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi, he had hailed it as a ?landmark in our history in removing poverty from the face of the nation?.
A visit to this village now, however, shows that the gloss attached to the programme seems to be wearing off. (Hindu, Jan.29, 2007).
Why it failed: Why the NREGS is bound to fail is argued in our book, Development Redefined (DSA-2006). It is simple. Those implementing the project are upper castes who are bent upon sabotaging it. In the book, we wanted the project should adopt a caste-based approach. As the upper castes are unwilling, they simply ruined it as it is not benefitting their jati.
DV Jan.16, 2007 p. 24: ?Upper caste rulers push India to social disruption & economic crisis?.
DV Edit Oct.16, 2006: ?GDPwalas misleading world: Rise of China used to make India slave of America?.
DV Feb.16, 2006 p.27: ?The fallen & forgotten 26% Indians?.
DV Feb.1, 2006 p.8: ?Employment Guarantee Scheme bound to fail?.
DV Edit Dec.1, 2005: ?DV extents caste identity to Economic planning?.
India gets isolated ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: Quietly China is becoming a world leader with its newly acquired ?space power?. But India?s rulers are loudly announcing that they have become the tail of the sinking America. Chinese President Hu again visited Africa and publicly embraced its Black leaders during his latest 8-nation 12-day trip assuring them ample economic aid.
South Africa headed by Thabo Mbeki has taken over the leadership of the rising African continent. China, Russia, South Africa are uniting in a big way against the hegemony of the West even as India is becoming a stooge of the West distrusted by all the Muslim and South American countries. ?Hindu India? is hated by even the ?world?s only Hindu nation?, Nepal.
With chaos on the economic front and friendless on the foreign front, Brahminical rulers are converting India into a failed state.
Muslim deprivation
Abu Saleh Sheriff, chief economist at the National Council of Applied Research and the member-secretary of Sachar Committee on Muslims, says: Please bear in mind that what we have stated boldly is what we recorded in the course of our daily meetings and mass contact. As a community, Muslims feel deprivation at all levels and in all spheres. Add to this the Muslim stereotype ? they are pro-Pakistan, unpatriotic, they are all terrorists, and so on. Post the train blasts in Mumbai, the administration created a fear psychosis around the Muslim factor. Muslim majority slums were raided and Muslim children were rounded up. Many of the myths about Muslim disloyalty go back to partition. The question thrown at them was: why didn?t you go to Pakistan?
?(Hindu, Jan.6, 2007)
Delhi?s lack of culture
New Delhi: A survey spread over three years has confirmed the long-suspected lack of urbaneness among Delhites. The survey found that many of the denizens excel in spitting, littering, misbehaving with women and using abusive language. The survey on human behaviour in public places, conducted by students of the anthropology department of Delhi University, also found that encroachment on roads and other public land was normal in most of the posh market areas in the capital.
?(Asian Age, Jan.16, 2007).
Plight of sweepers
Bangalore: ?My hands are full of boils from handling nauseating waste, and when I go home in the evenings I do not feel like eating?, said Kalyanamma, working for a private garbage contractor. Toiling for nine hours from 6.30 am she gets a meagre salary of Rs. 1,400 a month. When she recently fell ill with chikungunya, Kalyanamma continued to work. Her fear: she might lose her job if she took leave.
?(Hindu, Jan.17, 2007)
Child health neglected
New Delhi: The immunisation status under Integrated Child Development Service continues to be poor. As for the coverage status, about 11 crore children, out of a total of 16 crore in the 0-6 age group, remained unreached. These are startling figures and the situation calls for urgent action, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said.
?(Hindu, Jan.17, 2007)
11:00:10 AM
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