Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Don't forget the 1000 crore budget for Imam salaries

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Don't forget the 1000crore budget for imam salaries
Don't forget the 1000 crore budget for Imam salaries ( Are Brahmins Dalits of today?).
India's national priest "Shahi Imam", a salaried Govt position, is a muslim just like in the Mughal times. Haj subsidy has just been raised to 384 crores. Govt must provide infrastructure for pilgrims within India as it does for both Muslims and Hindus, except that money is provided for mosque maintenance and for Imam salaries - a benefit Hindus don't get. All this money is largely Hindu tax money which is also used for funding madarsas which teach Koran that is filled with Hatred against Infidels - ie the people who pay for this 'education'. (The US govt does not give me money to travel to Ayodhya or to fund a Hindu school here.) Now a state is building churches with tax money. Deccan Chronicle Hyderabad, Dec. 18,2006: The State government would consider a subsidy for Christians to travel to Bethlehem, Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy said on Monday. Responding to Hyderabad Archbishop Marampudi Joji's request at the United Christmas Celebrations, Chief Minister Y.S. Rajashekar Reddy assured that the government would study the possibility and financial implications of such a subsidy. At present, the government subsidises Muslim pilgrims to perform the Haj. Bishop Joji said, "I visited the holy land and prayed at the place where Jesus was born. I request the government to assist Christians to fulfil their wish of making a pilgrimage to the holy land by subsiding the cost to some extent." Dr Reddy replied, "The government is allotting a budget for construction of churches in towns and villages. While increasing the allocation we can adjust some money." On the issue of dalit Christians, Bishop Joji said, "Dalit Christians should be given SC status. I request the Chief Minister to get a resolution passed in the Assembly, as the UP Assembly has done, and send the recommendation to the Prime Minister, as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has done." Dr Reddy assured that he would examine the proposal. Bishop Sugandhar, legislator Christine Lazarus among others took part in the celebrations.
11:48:03 AM
Posted By rational being Comments (0) News

Reply - Infidel (earth is flat . . .)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Reply => Infidel (earth is flat..........)
Your are nothing but a hate mongerer...writing false facts from CRAP HATE SITES like faith freedom, answering islam,,, etc. All the crap you quote and write is there on the web since many years...WRITING FALSE AND POUNDING YOUR CHEST DOESN'T MAKE IT TRUE...You have proved time and again that YOUR ARE THE BIGGEST DUMBHEAD and are repeatedly quoting and copy pasting from these sites and you accuse the muslims of lies, zombies and other filthy abuses and discarding the muslim replies as zombies, brain dead, crap sites etc
Regarding your latest hate blog about Quran saying that earth is flat....PLEASE READ YOUR MISCONCEPTION and WRONG ANALYSIS due to your hate filled mind!
Qur’an says that Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet. This gives an indication that the earth is flat. Does this not contradict established modern science?
Answer1. Earth made as a carpet
The question refers to a verse from the Qur’an in Surah Nuh:
"And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out)." [Al-Qur’an 71:19]
But the sentence in the above verse is not complete. It continues in the next verse, explaining the previous verse. It says:
"That ye may go about therein, in spacious roads."[Al-Qur’an 71:20]
A similar message is repeated in Surah TaHa:
"He Who has made for you the earth like a carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads (and channels)...."[Al-Qur’an 20:53]
The surface of the earth i.e. earth’s crust is less than 30 miles in thickness and is very thin as compared to the radius of the earth which is about 3750 miles. The deeper layers of the earth are very hot, fluid and hostile to any form of life. The earth’s crust is a solidified shell on which we can live. The Qur’an rightly refers to it like a carpet spread out, so that we can travel along its roads and paths. 2. Carpet can also be spread on other than an absolute flat surface
Not a single verse of the Qur’an says that the earth is flat. The Qur’an only compares the earth’s crust with a carpet. Some people seem to think that carpet can only be put on an absolute flat surface. It is possible to spread a carpet on a large sphere such as the earth. It can easily be demonstrated by taking a huge model of the earth’s globe covering it with a carpet.
Carpet is generally put on a surface, which is not very comfortable to walk on. The Qur’an describes the earth crust as a carpet, without which human beings would not be able to survive because of the hot, fluid and hostile environment beneath it. The Qur’an is thus not only logical, it is mentioning a scientific fact that was discovered by geologists centuries later.3. Earth has been spread out
Similarly, the Qur’an says in several verses that the earth has been spread out.
"And We have spread out the (spacious) earth: how excellently We do spread out!"[Al-Qur’an 51:48]
Similarly the Qur’an also mentions in several other verses that the earth is an expanse:
"Have We not made the earth as a wide expanse""And the mountains as pegs?"[Al-Qur’an 78:6-7]
None of these verses of the Qur’an contain even the slightest implication that the earth is flat. It only indicates that the earth is spacious and the reason for this spaciousness of the earth is mentioned. The Glorious Qur’an says:
"O My servants who believe! truly. spacious is My Earth: therefore serve ye Me ��"(And Me alone)!"[Al-Qur’an 29:56]
Therefore none can give the excuse, that he could not do good and was forced to do evil because of the surroundings and circumstances.4. Earth is geospherical in shape
The Qur’an mentions the actual shape of the earth in the following verse:
"And we have made the earth egg shaped".[Al-Qur’an 79:30]
The Arabic word Dahaha means egg shaped. It also means an expanse. Dahaha is derived from Duhiya which specifically refers to the egg of an ostrich which is geospherical in shape, exactly like the shape of the earth.
Thus the Qur’an and modern established science are in perfect harmony.
5:30:31 PM
Posted By THE TRUTH Comments (11) Science
Infidel Wednesday, February 28, 2007 6:33:45 PM
BTW, Muslim,Did you find two easts and two wests?Do you agree that what umar suggested to MO (I quoted 1 hadith regarding 3 things and you helped me out and quoted 15 things)and he revealed them in quran, implying quran is MO's words, not god's?And don't forget, you have to still answer "why the author of quran addressing god as HE & ALLAH?" And Did you find "electricity" and "Aero Plane TEchnology" in quran? And what about "Voyeger to Moon" and "Modern modes of Transportation".Now go and hide your face in sand like an ostrich and deny the truth. You are a typical muslim zombie, now I don't have any doubt.
Infidel Wednesday, February 28, 2007 6:45:17 PM
Sorry muslim, again you commented without reading the article. No problem, we all know that your brain is dead. it's ok to call you a zombie since you saw "earth is flat" in the article and started vomiting filth.Open your eyes and read my article one more time. ITS NOT ME BUT A TRUE MUSLIM (READ ZOMBIE)WHOSE NAME IS "SONA" IS ARGUING THAT EARTH IS FLAT SINCE QURAN SAYS SO.By now, we all know that you cannot use your brain as you don't have one. The best you can do is copy-paste which you did above.Wait for my reply and meanwhile try to find out the actual meaning of "DAHAHA" (A hint:it's not what you wrote above).Good luck muslim, as I am going to prove one more time that it's YOU who is DUMBHEAD AND SCUMBAG.Oh, wait, you proved by yourself when you concluded that in that article it was me who is saying "EARTH IS FLAT".
The Truth Wednesday, February 28, 2007 6:54:08 PM
Infidel,The hate sites from which you always copy/paste and quote..It is simple to write articles in false and fictitious names and ascribing falsehood...even here in blogs people like u and me have fictitious names...Every muslim well versed with the Quran knows that the earth is NOT FLAT...its u dumbheads who think so...Read the article posted above properly and please charge you battery cells in your brain!
avinash Wednesday, February 28, 2007 7:02:10 PM
let us try to live as humans first and then talk about religion.anyway you and me have not written the holy books like quran,bible,gita.if at all we have any queries we better consult the writers of these holy books.which ofcourse is not possible.instead let us appreciate and follow what is written in our respective faith's holy books and also have the heart to appreciate other faith's writings.we are only mortals aren't we?why criticise the supreme?take it or leave it.
The Truth Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:17:08 PM
Infidel,If like you say The Prophet(pbuh) wrote the Quran then why didn't he seek divinity like other fake Godmen? He could have told the people to worship him..already he had shown many miracles to the pagans like splitting of the moon, water flowing from his fingers, the talking tree and many more and it would have been very very easy to ask the pagans and others to do idol worship of him...WHY DID HE PREACH THE MONOTHEISM OF ONE TRUE GOD? HE ALWAYS SAID HE WAS A HUMAN BEING JUST LIKE OTHERS AND GOD HAD CHOSEN HIM AS MESSENGER. HE COULD HAVE EASILY CLAIMED DIVINITY LIKE RAJNEESH, & other fake godmen over the centuries! WHY HE DID NOT DO IT?
IdioticLogic Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:27:11 PM
What a logic: EARTH IS LIKE A CARPET SO IT MUST BE FLAT. You r nuts, man.It is this kind of stupidity on ur part which INFIDEL n his COHORTS r exploiting. Think before u do cut and Paste.You r arguing in the 21st Century, man--and not in the medivial period. People r not GUNKS--Mr Truth. Think before u write. Stop this 7th Century logic of urs and face realities. U sshould call urself Mr FAKE and FALSE.
Infidel Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:31:49 PM
MUSLIM,you don't want to use your brain.Visit that site and see comments from SONA. They are more than 1500 in numbers and read those comments and decide by yourself (if you can, because you need a brain to decide) whether he is a true muslim or a fake muslim.He is right when he says that as per quran earth is flat, because MO only knew that earth is flat. It's zombies like you believe what illitearte MO said and what Graduate illiterate like author of the above crap article (and your two other copy-paste articles)interpreted.PS: I insist you to answer the questions in comment #1 above. Or you are like muneer you can only abuse but cannot answer the simple questions. Or admit that you cannot answer them. Evading them will only prove that you don't know the answers or actually you don't have the answers for them.Search for meaning of DAHAHA and you will find that it does not mean egg-shaped. but for that you need a brain. Don't worry, if you can do that, I will do that for you in order to try to open your mind one more time. hopefully this time it will open a bit.
Infidel Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:41:54 PM
muslim,don't make me laugh by showing that you are a ignorant fool who doesn't know his own cult.Pedo Mo never did any miracles in his life and when questioned by his followers and also by nonbelievers, all he could say was "quran is my miracle". Search for the verse by yourself, because you need to start using your brain by now. I can't spoonfeed you people all the times. Do some homework before you write, you zombie, as rightly said by "idioticlogic" above.In Venu's words, you people are worshipping pedo MO (in the name of his slave god allah). Islamic allah is nothing but the alter ego of pedo MO. It's not omniscient and omnipresent true god.For claiming hiself to be a godman, he needed to show some miracles, which he couldn't so he chose to be a messenger and uttered nonsense quran to fulfill his filthy wishes. and you zombies following him blindly even after 1400 years.
sage Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:52:25 PM
quran says this ,quran says that, but quran also says to be antinational, quran also says to kill innocent indians, quran also says to be antinational in the country you muslims live in. quran also says to have filthy bodies and filthy minds. quran also says to be a paedophile.
FudduSage Wednesday, February 28, 2007 9:11:40 PM
Mr. Sage, If u r convinced ur religion and ur God are better; So be it. Why r u indulging in unnecessary debate with a man who does not believe in this. Faith is a matter of belief.ur funny and irrational logic is giving him the arsenal to fire at u.This is 21st Century, man. No one, even ur co- religionists, r going to believe in the writings of 7th Century. This is happening with ALL religions--Hinduism, Christanity, Judaism, etc Everyone.PROBLEM with u Muslims is U r too backward n continue to think like a 7th century BIGOT.Ur comments r a waste of time and energy. U r giving chance to INFIDEL to strike you.Better cool down n relax.
Infidel Wednesday, February 28, 2007 9:55:39 PM
FudduSage,Sorry to say that Sage does not belong to the muslim zombies. I hope you mean THE TRUTH here.

Simple proof for the authenticity of the Quran

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Simple proof for the Authenticity of the Quran
Prophet Muhammad has been accused with all sorts of lies. One of the accusations of the Pagans in Makkah that he had secret Christian and Jewish companions that taught him the Jewish and Christian history. Past and present critics of Islam enjoy this theory of secret companions. If this theory holds, we would like to add other names to these “secret” companions such as the American astronomer Vesto M. Slipher, Dr. Edwin Hubble, and Professor Alan Guth among many other astronomy and physics scholars.
In 1912 the American astronomer Vesto M. Slipher (1875-1969), working at the Lowell Observatory in Arizona, discovered the "red shift," which paved the way to the Big Bang, one of the greatest discovery in the twentieth century.
Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) studied at the Yerkes Observatory, and in 1917, received a doctorate in astronomy from the University of Chicago. Hubble developed a classification system for the Galaxies he observed. In 1924, he saw a large number of galaxies beyond our Milky Way. It was then he discovered that Galaxies were moving away from each other at a constant rate in 1929. He announced the discovery of the linear relation between distant galaxies and their red shifts. This relation, which was called Hubble constant, helps astronomers to introduce the Big Bang, determine the age of the universe, and prove that the universe was expanding.
Professor Alan H. Guth, of MIT introduced the inflation theory that explained a number of puzzling features of the conventional Big Bang in 1998. It accounts for the fact that the closely packed infant universe expanded neither so slowly that gravity could crush it back into nothingness, nor so fast that it could thin out before galaxies and stars could form. The inflation theory proposed a fine balance of the density of the universe. Too much density would close the universe round on itself and collapse; too low density would open out the universe uncontrollably.
The Big Bang and expansion of the universe are considered the most awesome discoveries of the twentieth century. The evidences the Big Bang and expansion of the universe are so powerful to the extent that they are considered a fact. The discussions of cosmologists are focusing now on the mechanism and the factors that affect this expansion.
The Quran refers to the Big Bang in one short Ayah (verse}, presenting an accurate outline to the conditions that led to creating the universe:
Surah (chapter) 21, Ayah (verse) 30 "Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation) before We clove them asunder?"
In the above Ayah, Allah declares clearly that the universe (the skies and the earth) was joined together, and then Allah caused it to explode. There is a very important choice of words in the original Arabic text whose translation is given above. The Arabic word “ratq” translated as "joined together" means "mixed in each, blended" in Arabic dictionaries. It is used to refer to two or more different substances that make up a whole. The phrase "We clove them asunder" is the verb “fataqa” in Arabic and implies that something comes into being by tearing apart or destroying the structure of “ratq.” In this Ayah, skies and earth are at first subject to the status of “ratq” and then they exploded. Intriguingly, cosmologists speak of a "cosmic egg" that consisted of all the matter in the universe prior to the Big Bang. In other words, all the heavens and earth were included in this egg in a condition of “ratq.” This cosmic egg exploded violently causing its matter to “fataqa“ and in the process created the structure of the whole universe.
The accuracy of the Arabic words of such divine description of starting the universe is well beyond comprehension. A cosmic fact was revealed to an unlettered Arab that took humanity one thousand and four hundred years to discover. This Ayah addresses the unbelievers with an overwhelming challenge. No one can claim that Muhammad had knowledge of spectroscopic observations or he had instruments to measure red shifts of distance galaxies. Also, he was not a genius mathematician. This Ayah, as with many of the scientific miracles in the Quran, addresses the unbelievers in a strong challenge. If they could not use their intuition to figure out the existence and the uniqueness of One Creator and to believe in the authenticity of the Quran, then they can listen to an unlettered Arab explaining the creation of the universe.
Allah refers to the expanding universe in the following verse:
Surah (chapter) 51, Ayah (verse) 47 "We have built the firmaments with might and we indeed have vast power."
The above translation does not reflect the actual meaning of the Ayah. Any Arab speaking person will translate the above verse as follows:
"We have built the skies with might and we indeed are expanding (them)"
The Arabic verb used means continually expanding, and refers to the previous noun that is the skies. Other translations of this verb include "width and generosity", and "to make them wider." One of the translations called "The choice" or in Arabic "Montakhab", stated clearly its Arabic meaning that the universe is expanding.
The fact is that Allah described the expansion of the universe in a short sentence. Muhammad stated this fact that took humanity ages to discover and measure. Who told him that? This fact could not be envisioned in the seventh century and authored by an unlettered Arab when he had no previous knowledge about cosmology. It must have been a divine inspiration from the Creator of the Universe!
The fact is the Quran is authentic and valid for all times, ages, and places. The above two verses confirm this fact, when these verses were understood and validated after 14 centuries of the revelation. It is now obvious the powerful statement of the Quran which states:
Surah (chapter) 15, Ayah (verse) 9 “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption).”
The purity of the Arabic text of the Quran through fourteen centuries is a foretaste of the eternal care with which Allah’s Truth is guarded through all ages. Allah’s Pure and Holy Truth will never suffer eclipse in any time or in any place. Unlike the Bible, in the present day, millions of Muslims (Arabs and non-Arabs) memorize the whole Arabic text of the Quran by heart. Some of them have been able to memorize the entire Quran by the age of ten. This is a simple and yet an overwhelming fact. Not only did God preserve the Arabic text of the Quran, but also the style of reciting the Quran by today’s Muslims is exactly the same style of recitation as that of Muhammad himself. Muslims, when reading verses of the Quran, stop where the Messenger of Allah stopped, and continue where he continued. One may really wonder about the strength of God’s promise to preserve the Quran in writing as well as in reading. When one recites the Quran, one is reading the authentic Words of the Only God, with the exact reading style of Muhammad, the greatest man ever lived. This is definitely an enormous spiritual experience.
The Quran was introduced to Prophet Muhammad to humanity as a revelation from God. At this point we have a tremendous challenge. We have only two choices:
Accept the whole Quran as the authentic revelation from God.
Add other names such as the American astronomer Vesto M. Slipher, Dr. Edwin Hubble, and Professor Alan Guth among many other astronomy and physics scholars to these “secret” companions of Prophet Muhammad!!
It is now your option to pick up one of the above two choices. You be the judge.
11:00:13 PM
Posted By mohammed taqiuddin Comments (3) Uncategorized
Infidel Wednesday, February 28, 2007 10:54:32 PM
Dear readers,Don't be surprised by seeing the same article 2 times today, first by Irshad and now by Ruizvan.Actually the source of such crap articles is the same and these muslims don't apply their brain and simply copy-paste.This copy-paste stuff says:Surah (chapter) 21, Ayah (verse) 30 "Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation) before We clove them asunder?" Quran never mentioned UNIVERSE in it. It always says about earth and sky (which everybody can see by eyes) or earth and heavens (we can not see heavens, its part of islamic fairytales). Moreover, Earth is a tiny planet in the universe. GOD, the creator of universe, should know that centre of universe is certianly not earth. This is another proof that quran is GEOCENTRIC which is not true. No doubt, Pedo MO saw it geocentric and hence quran says so.I don't want to waste our time by refuting point by point such crap article (which I can do if necessary), but just one point of quran being geocentric is enough proof that it is from MO and not from true god. Hence the article is debunked.Ruizvan, I know that you can never answer my questions but for our readers, let me ask you some:Quran says that there are seven (layers) of heavens. Please prove it.Quran also says that stars are to shoot jinns (I can't stop laughing on this stupidity), please prove existance of jinns and also how stars are to shoot jinns.
amardeep_malaysia Wednesday, February 28, 2007 11:12:55 PM
Absolutely great article!!made good reading .No matter from where its copied but ratonal mind will always accept true findings.
allahs_soldier Thursday, March 1, 2007 12:56:45 AM
we muslims will kill all of you kaafirs and make you rot in hell. just wait for that day when our numerical strength increases. when we become a majority, we will make sure that not a single non-muslim escapes alive. allah ho akbar

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Reply to TT: Miracles in Quran??

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Reply to TT: Miracles in Quran??
Dear Readers,
This article is in reply to our learned muslim “THE TRUTH” who copy-pasted an article on Miracles in quran from a crap Islamic site.
I don’t want to waste my time and your time again, so I will take few “miracles” from the article and prove them false.
My answers are in blue and text in black is from The Truth’s article.
This is a higher level of understanding...not for hate mongers and hate filled hearts and souls.
My Reply:
Yes TT, It’s a high level of understanding which is not for brain-dead muslims like you. For you people, a WHITE thing is BLACK, since quran told so. Hence don’t even go there. First learn what is logical / rational thinking and then read your quran one more time. All you muslims can do is search for a verse in quran which can be co-related to modern science, in however absurd way. I will prove that in this article.
Though you muslims always accuse us of using verses in “bits and pieces” and “out of context”, in this article, author refrained himself from using full verses and IN CONTEXT. He used the only relevant portion (as per his understanding) for this purpose, else readers will understand the actual meaning of the verse. But only gullible people like you will fall for such lies, not a person who can think and analyze rationally/ logically. I will be quoting full verses (Yusuf Ali translations) for ready reference to my readers and for your eye opening.
And We made a fount of molten copper flow out for him. (Qur'an, 34:12)
One of Allah's great blessings to Prophet Sulayman (as) was "a fount of molten copper." This can be understood in several senses. By the use of melted copper, it MAY BE referring to the existence, at his time, of an advanced technology that employed electricity. We know that copper is one of the best metals for conducting electricity and heat, and thus constitutes the basis of the electrical industry, which uses much of the copper produced in the world. The expression "flow out" MAY indicate that electricity can be used in many fields. (Allah knows best.)
My Reply:
Let us see the quoted verse:034.012 YUSUFALI: And to Solomon (We made) the Wind (obedient): Its early morning (stride) was a month's (journey), and its evening (stride) was a month's (journey); and We made a Font of molten brass to flow for him; and there were Jinns that worked in front of him, by the leave of his Lord, and if any of them turned aside from our command, We made him taste of the Penalty of the Blazing Fire.
Do you understand what is written in this verse? No you never read it, right.
In simple language, this verse is telling that “WE(??) made a font of molten BRASS to flow for him”. Where is electricity, my dear believer TT? This verse is claiming how allah helped suleman, by making winds obedient, by flowing font of molten brass/copper etc.
Just a correlation that since copper wires are used in most of the electric cables, search for a verse in quran having “copper” word in it and start shouting, “quran said this 1400 years ago”. Only fools like you will believe this. See the original author of this crap article also not able to correlate properly and hence used words like MAY BE referring, MAY indicate etc.
And to Sulayman We gave the fiercely blowing wind, speeding at his command toward the land that We had blessed. And We had full knowledge of everything. (Qur'an, 21:81)
As the above verse relates, Allah placed the wind under Prophet Sulayman's (as) command and allowed him to use it as a vehicle. There is a strong possibility of an indication here that, as in Prophet Sulayman's (as) time, wind energy will also be used in the technology of the future.
And We gave Sulayman power over the wind-a month's journey in the morning and a month in the afternoon... (Qur'an, 34:12)
The expression "a month's journey in the morning and a month in the afternoon" may be drawing attention to the fact that Prophet Sulayman (as) moved rapidly between different regions perhaps by using a technology similar to an airplane, or developed wind-powered vehicles that could cover long distances quickly. (Allah knows best.) There is thus a strong possibility that these verses point to modern airplane technology.
My Reply:

021.081 YUSUFALI: (It was Our power that made) the violent (unruly) wind flow (tamely) for Solomon, to his order, to the land which We had blessed: for We do know all things.
Is “flowing of wind”, PLANE TECHNOLOGY? I didn’t know that. I am heartily thankful for this enlightenment. LOL
Where did the verse say that “allowed him to use it as a vehicle?” The verse is saying that WE (??) made the UNRULY wind to flow GENTLY, to his order, TO THE LAND. Where is aero plane technology in it?
The author of this crap article claims (though not sure) that “may be drawing attention to the fact that Prophet Sulayman (as) moved rapidly between different regions perhaps by using a technology similar to an airplane, or developed wind-powered vehicles”
O Really!!! The author of quran didn’t say that. Then who is saying this, the author of this article?
The verse is saying that the wind was made mild, that’s it. Again, this is the proof of correlating modern science with quranic verses.
And horses, mules, and donkeys both to ride and for adornment. And He creates other things you do not know. (Qur'an, 16:8)
The above verse indicates that in addition to the animals mentioned here, people will have various unknown (to them) means of transport. The following verse points to the fact that there will be such mass modes of transport as ships:
A Sign for them is that We carried their families in the laden ship. And We have created for them the like of it, in which they sail. (Qur'an, 36:41-42)
My Reply:
016.008 YUSUFALI: And (He has created) horses, mules, and donkeys, for you to ride and use for show; and He has created (other) things of which ye have no knowledge.
036.041-42 YUSUFALI: And a Sign for them is that We bore their race (through the Flood) in the loaded Ark; And We have created for them similar (vessels) on which they ride.
I hope, you understand simple English. This surah (An-Nahl, The Bee) is describing what allah has done for mankind. First of all, literal meaning of the verse doesn’t say what author implied to mean. The verse says, “He (who is saying HE, if allah then it should be I) created animals for ride and to show. And created many things which you don’t know.”
Please note that in this surah allah is talking about cattle, Heaven and earth, man from drop of fluid, rain from sky etc, so show his power, he is telling that “HE created many things which you don’t know”. Surely, MO didn’t know many things and hence he used this vague term. Even if I have to consider that it is about transportation, it has a fallacy.
Is quran for all the times or for 7th century? If for 7th century, then quran is false as it claims that it for all people, all places and all times. If later is true, then today we know our modes of transportation and hence this verse is wrong (it says you don’t know, but we know them).
Regarding verses 36:41-42, the author is trying to put words in allah’s mouth (which he did throughout this article). The verse is NOT pointing towards “modern ships” but pointing towards “Noah’s Ark” (See yusuf ali’s translation). It is author’s wishful thinking that allah referred modern giant ships.

And [I swear by] the moon when it is full, you will mount up stage by stage! What is the matter with them, that they have no faith? (Qur'an, 84:18-20)
After referring to the Moon, the above verses then say that people will mount up stage by stage. The term tarkabunna comes from the verb rakiba, (to mount, walk on a path, follow, embark upon, set about, participate, or rule). In the light of these meanings, it is very likely that the expression "you will mount up stage by stage" refers to a vehicle to be boarded.
Indeed, the astronauts' spacecraft pass through each layer of the atmosphere one by one, and then begin to pass through the Moon's gravitational field. Thus, the Moon is reached by moving through individual layers. In addition, the swearing by the Moon in Surat al-Inshiqaq 18 further strengthens this emphasis, meaning that the verse may well be a sign that humanity will travel to the Moon. (Allah knows best.)
084.017 -24:YUSUFALI: The Night and its Homing; And the Moon in her fullness: Ye shall surely travel from stage to stage. What then is the matter with them, that they believe not? And when the Qur'an is read to them, they fall not prostrate, But on the contrary the Unbelievers reject (it). But Allah has full knowledge of what they secrete (in their breasts): So announce to them a Penalty Grievous,
Which surah these verses are from? My dear blind believer, open your copy of quran and find out the surah.
It is surah AL-INSHIQAQ (THE SUNDERING, SPLITTING OPEN) whose theme is the Resurrection and Hereafter. So who is quoting verses “OUT OF CONTEXT” here? Read all the 25 verses of this surah and show me where it is written that man will voyage moon. Use your mind at least once in your life time. Don’t merely copy paste crap from such misleading Islamic sites.
This surah is warning and fearing about hereafter. Read one more time the verses 84:17-24 as I quoted above. It says when the last day will come, the moon will be full, men will pass through stages and nonbelievers will reject. Where does it say “refers to a vehicle to be boarded”? Again author saw moon and stages and unsuccessfully correlated with “voyager to Moon”.
I am sure that these few points are enough to show the credibility of the article and the lies told on such crap sites. Only muslims like you will believe such garbage. The author knows that he is lying and hence uses (allah knows the best) after each lie.
Now it’s my turn to say “Kindly read and understand before copy-pasting such crap articles. Hope my replies will open a slit in your closed mind for light of truth (not Islamic crap)”
12:06:08 AM
Posted By Infidel M Comments (3) Musings
Infidel Wednesday, February 28, 2007 12:05:46 AM
TT,For your ease I am asking those questions one more time here.Did you find two easts and two wests?Do you agree that what umar suggested to MO (I quoted 1 hadith regarding 3 things and you helped me out and quoted 15 things)and he revealed them in quran, implying quran is MO's words, not god's?And don't forget, you have to still answer "why the author of quran addressing god as HE & ALLAH?"
Infidel Wednesday, February 28, 2007 12:15:52 AM
TT, Now read and understnad first. Then write such foolish comments you wrote in your article. Don't show your islamic wisdom again and agian.BEfore copy-pasting crap, try to find out the credibility of it by yourself, otherwise you will make fool out of yourself as you did here. Also, don't forget to answer my questions in your article's comment section.
Infidel Wednesday, February 28, 2007 7:56:23 AM
Interested readers can visit following "Authentic ISlamic Site" for further clarifications on lies in TT's copy-paste blog.The link to the site is

Islamic Wisdom Revealed: Earth is flat; can't stop laughing - too good

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Islamic Wisdom Revealed: Earth Is Flat; Can't Stop Laughing- Too Good
Dear readers,
This is really nice one, a perfect example that muslims are brain-dead zombies.
Here are some of the glimpses of a blind follower muslim argueing that earth is flat.
I will quote true muslim "SONA" from
1) If Allah says the earth is flat like a bed then this is true its flat when we look at it
2) You're just too stupid the earth from looking at it from the Qu'ran is clearly spread out like bed:
3) Clearly you can see its flat! Allaokbar! 4) Allah is describing the earth how it appears to us humans that are on the earth.
And here comes the GEM of muslim argument:
5) Anyway if the earth was round then what is it standing on? why isen't it rolling all over the place like a ball?
6) The earth is flat - deal with it Inshallah.
7) The earth is indeed flat - you're just deaf dumb & blind.
8) Think of a large ball. If you dripped some grains of sand on the ball most of them would slide off. Why are not most humans sliding off? into space if the earth was indeed round? if you move away from absolute top of the ball (or round earth) you would fall off into space. The earth is not round, its flat.
9)The moon landing was faked. There is no gravitation larger objects such as mountains would fall off into space. Gravity is true for smaller objects. The earth according to the round earth theory also spins. It rotates on its axis, if this was true 1.) we would feel the rotation 2.) the gravitational pull of the earth would not have effect the effect would be weak compared to the effect of the rotation of the earth which would make things fling off into space. The gravitational pull off the sun is far greater then the gravitational pull of the earth, so why doesn't the earth get sucked in by the sun or other planets?
Another GEM:
10) The truth of the matter is the earth is flat sounded by a dome.
11) You are miss understanding me. There is gravity this is true. The earth looking at it from the earth is flat. I believe what it says in the Qu'ran don't need to listen to kafirs.
Need more, please visit the above link.
PS: I was confused about which category should I choose for this post. Amusement or Quran, Finally I decided to put it in quran as quran itself is a comic book.
2:27:34 AM
Posted By Infidel M Comments (5) Musings
jj Wednesday, February 28, 2007 3:01:53 AM
islam prescibes death for people who wish to convert to another religion. what religion can be more sadistic than this
jj Wednesday, February 28, 2007 3:20:44 AM
dear brother infi, you have opened my eyes to horrible truth of this cult called islam. it is now that i realize that it is the most violent and blood thirsty religion that ever existed.
Infidel Wednesday, February 28, 2007 6:37:00 AM
Thanks brother JJ for kind words.You expressed it very correctly, Islam is the most voilent and blood thirsty cult. Either islam can servive or humanity. We have to choose humanity, because otherwise is unthinkable.Who doesn't know what happened under taliban's rule? For sure there will not be any freedom, democracy, secularism, science, medical developments and many more things which a civilised world needs. The world will go back to 7th century barbarism.We all have to eradicate this cult. I request all of you to educate yourself and all your near & dears about the danger of this cult.
Infidel Wednesday, February 28, 2007 6:49:11 AM
Dear brother JJ,As I said many times, I am not against muslims. There are good and bad people in all religions, places and countries. It is not muslims' fault as their minds are brainwashed with false hope of paradise and false fear of hell. The indoctrination starts since birth in a muslim family. They are not allowed to question anything regarding islam and not allowed to accept infidels' views. That closes the door for any hope for seeking the truth. Each and everything starts and ends at islam. nothing more and nothing less.You can see in above article that a muslim is arguing that earth is flat (since quran says so), while a primary school student also knows that earth is not flat and is close to a spherical shape. Such is the effect of brainwashing.Even if a muslim sees the truth (which many have seen here), he fears hellfire in after life and disowning by his brainwashed family in this life. Also, it is really very difficult to accept that they were deceived throughout their life by an illiterate pedophile's teaching.
Infidel Wednesday, February 28, 2007 6:56:07 AM
I am sure that our collective efforts have helped many muslim bloggers here in seeking the truth about god and humanity (not islamic truth). I would request such bloggers to comment here, may be with fake identity. That will help us in spreading the truth about true god and humanity.Our mission should be to educate everybody (muslims and nonmulims) about the lies spreaded about islam like it is a religion of peace and tolerance, quran is word of god and peod mo was the last prophet etc.

Monday, February 26, 2007

In conversation with a gay!

Monday, February 26, 2007
In conversation with a gay!
I am a highly biased and opinionated human being. I have an opinion, and a very strong one rather, about everything that goes about, that I have seen and experienced. Yet there are things I have never come across, and it is this unknown, unseen that I am always interested to prod about, investigate and know. This includes just about anything within the domains of my imagination. I'll elaborate- I go about looking for meaning, for substance in whatever that may seem abstract or eccentric to a normal human vision. I am counting my vision as that of a normal human being here, though I know some of you can raise doubts ;-) Well I don't mind being unconventional , and I do give my attention to whatever needs attention, unlike girls of my age who are either ignorant or indifferent or pretend to be indifferent to lots of things. For instance, I sometimes do ask guys who scrap/send friend requests (only when they seem reasonable enough) that why do they want a friend whose existence is virtual, I know they do so with the objective that some day they will get to meet the person, but I like studying the response / answer (the answer could be impolite) wich definitely helps me to analyze the state of mind of the other person. This is a very small example though.I like to see if people seem to know what they are doin or are they just doing it in a haze!Off late, I have begun to consider that lots of ethical issues in the world cannot be viewed as either right or wrong, whatever it be – be it a choice of sexuality, extra marital issues or whatever. Its just not essential that what may seem right to you will be right to another human being. Every action you take has its goods as well as the bads, its just that you need to be aware of what direction you choose to go and whether you really know what you are doing or not? Or whether you are just being under a chimerical influence? If somebody does something which is different from what I do, I think it wont affect me one bitesp. in my demeanor to the person
you can do something which is highly socially acceptable and yet be discontented with your life or you can do something entirely revolting and yet just be at peace with yourself.\n This point should not be taken as my liking / fascination for any socially acceptable thing, I believe what is acceptable is due to the fact that people usually do that, and since more number of people choose to do that, it might be correct as \nwell.My above point should only convey that my judgement of anything is free from any preconceived notions and prejudices, somebody's personal choices in life do not hamper me from seeing the good in another person, or just do a normal social etiquette towards the \nperson.If someone follows a tried and tested conventional way of living, its ok! But if somebody follows a different way of life, I can be hugely tolerant of it. Because I think I don't have either the right or the authority to decide what's right and what's not for everybody, I can just do it for myself. And I should never pass a judgement on the other.\nThe person I want to talk about is the one I met in Hotel ashoka during practice session of a soon to be held fashion event. I am a co- organizer in the event( coz I am investing money in it) and most of the times I work backstage to arrange the various things. It was my job to choreograph certain sequences and this guy that I am gonna talk about , was a part of it. He is a known model, and is quite a looker. Initially nobody knew nobody so everybody interacted well, then after some days, the rumor mills churned the news of his being a gay, as soon as the rumor spread , he began to face a social stigma, nobody ate with him, or even talked normal, most of the times, it was indirect sarcasms, or indignant mockery. I found him usually deluded, his demeanor showed he was looking for some way to escape out of here. I told some guys I had become friends with to treat him nicely atleast, but to no \n",1]
concerned.Your choice decides your fate, your happiness, i.e you can do something which is highly socially acceptable and yet be discontented with your life or you can do something entirely revolting and yet just be at peace with yourself. This point should not be taken as my liking / fascination for any socially unacceptable thing, I believe what is acceptable is due to the fact that people usually do that, and since more number of people choose to do that, it might be correct as well.My above point should only convey that my judgement of anything is free from any preconceived notions and prejudices, somebody's personal choices in life do not hamper me from seeing the good in another person, or just do a normal social etiquette towards the person.If someone follows a tried and tested conventional way of living, its ok! But if somebody follows a different way of life, I can be hugely tolerant of it. Because I think I don't have either the right or the authority to decide what's right and what's not for everybody, I can just do it for myself. And I should never pass a judgement on the other. The person I want to talk about is the one I met in Hotel ashoka during practice session of a soon to be held fashion event. I am a co- organizer in the event( coz I am investing money in it) and most of the times I work backstage to arrange the various things. It was my job to choreograph certain sequences and this guy that I am gonna talk about , was a part of it. He is a known model, and is quite a looker. Initially nobody knew nobody so everybody interacted well, then after some days, the rumor mills churned the news of his being a gay, as soon as the rumor spread , he began to face a social stigma, nobody ate with him, or even talked normal, most of the times, it was indirect sarcasms, or indignant mockery. I found him usually deluded, his demeanor showed he was looking for some way to escape out of here. I told some guys I had become friends with to treat him nicely atleast, but to no
Today ( these days we have practices since 4 am in the morning ), I succeeded in making him talk a bit. Such people , who have been socially ostracized always think that the person who is talking to them must be doing it for some reason, some benefit, it is difficult for them to believe that somebody can be genuinely harmless and nice. He usually didn't share the jokes all of us had while working, and he couldn't do that due to hostility and coldness of people around. I had tried talking him before too( last week to be precise) but just as I had said- he thought I had a prank or something on my mind, so he had just answered my question curtly and rushed out of the hall. I had asked him which place does he belong to?\nOn the ramp, he does his work flawlessly, and I am all for people who do their job perfectly, but after his sequence nobody claps and rejoices him, so today after his sequence when I looked and smiled at him, I found him come and stand next to me, and everywhere across the hall I could see hostile, furtive glances all directed at me. To that , I showed a usual, practiced indifference. This time he was the one to strike a conversation and asked- How do you manage so many things at the same time? ( he meant a full time profession along with coming there and organizing an event)\nI told him- " It's a very long and a very boring story, it's the one I lived with for four years in college- I had double the workload as rest of my batchmates + lots of personal issues and it would be very awfully boring to listen to or \n",1]
avail.My initial interaction with him( before I knew anything) was pure business, but later I changed my attitude, but I changed it in a way so that he doesn't take it as an act of sympathy / kindness. My normal behavior towards any human cannot be bad, as long as the person doesn't harm me, I am not indifferent, hostile or ignorant until and unless there is a very strong reason to do so, and here I had none. But the other people had a reason for doing what they were doing( in their eyes ofcourse). Today ( these days we have practices since 4 am in the morning ), I succeeded in making him talk a bit. Such people , who have been socially ostracized always think that the person who is talking to them must be doing it for some reason, some benefit, it is difficult for them to believe that somebody can be genuinely harmless and nice. He usually didn't share the jokes all of us had while working, and he couldn't do that due to hostility and coldness of people around. I had tried talking him before too( last week to be precise) but just as I had said- he thought I had a prank or something on my mind, so he had just answered my question curtly and rushed out of the hall. I had asked him which place does he belong to? On the ramp, he does his work flawlessly, and I am all for people who do their job perfectly, but after his sequence nobody claps and rejoices him, so today after his sequence when I looked and smiled at him, I found him come and stand next to me, and everywhere across the hall I could see hostile, furtive glances all directed at me. To that , I showed a usual, practiced indifference. This time he was the one to strike a conversation and asked- How do you manage so many things at the same time? ( he meant a full time profession along with coming there and organizing an event) I told him- " It's a very long and a very boring story, it's the one I lived with for four years in college- I had double the workload as rest of my batchmates + lots of personal issues and it would be very awfully boring to listen to or
He smiled, his first I had seen in days I knew this coz I had observed him since the day I had heard about him). I was interested in talking to him , but I feared my blatantnesscould be mistaken as my insensitivity , so I found myself unusually short of making a conversation. \nIf I talk with strangers, its for one of the two reasons – Either they have to have something new to offer in conversation or I am inquisitive about them in some way. For cases not qualifying under above two, I am indifferent\n.This person gave me both the reasons, and yet I was quiet. Somehow after sometime I just rattled off about the event. After a while, he said – You talk a lot. It was not the first time I was hearing this, so I told him- I've heard that before, say something I don't know.\nHe said- " You have a great worked out body"I answered- If I am supposed to have worked upon it, then I ought to know that as well.Then he gave a very loud, vague laugh and told me that I can work on ramp as well.\nThen I went back to talking about the sequences, in one of The Ancient India sequences we were using phrases from Meghdoot, Kalidas' work. I told him I couldn't realize how a person like Kalidas who was left by his wife due to his foolishness and ignorance could write such beautiful things about love, as in Meghdoot.\nWhat he asked me then didn't relate to my conversation exactly, but he asked me – " what would you have done in case you were Kalidas' wife?"I told him- If that Kalidas was poor, I would have left him instantly, but if he was rich, I would've taken some time to do it.\nThen we both laughed out loud, to the dismay of the other people present.Then he asked me – " Do you have a boyfriend"I told him- the secret of being a bore is to tell everything. Then, I asked him – why do you want to know?(I emphasized on the why particularly)\n",1]
explain.I had mastered the art of handling too many things back then.He smiled, his first I had seen in days I knew this coz I had observed him since the day I had heard about him). I was interested in talking to him , but I feared my blatantnesscould be mistaken as my insensitivity , so I found myself unusually short of making a conversation. If I talk with strangers, its for one of the two reasons – Either they have to have something new to offer in conversation or I am inquisitive about them in some way. For cases not qualifying under above two, I am indifferent .This person gave me both the reasons, and yet I was quiet. Somehow after sometime I just rattled off about the event. After a while, he said – You talk a lot. It was not the first time I was hearing this, so I told him- I've heard that before, say something I don't know. He said- " You have a great worked out body"I answered- If I am supposed to have worked upon it, then I ought to know that as well.Then he gave a very loud, vague laugh and told me that I can work on ramp as well. Then I went back to talking about the sequences, in one of The Ancient India sequences we were using phrases from Meghdoot, Kalidas' work. I told him I couldn't realize how a person like Kalidas who was left by his wife due to his foolishness and ignorance could write such beautiful things about love, as in Meghdoot. What he asked me then didn't relate to my conversation exactly, but he asked me – " what would you have done in case you were Kalidas' wife?"I told him- If that Kalidas was poor, I would have left him instantly, but if he was rich, I would've taken some time to do it. Then we both laughed out loud, to the dismay of the other people present.Then he asked me – " Do you have a boyfriend"I told him- the secret of being a bore is to tell everything. Then, I asked him – why do you want to know?(I emphasized on the why particularly)
He was taken aback by my straight forwardness. I could make that out. He told me – He was just curious.Then he told me he had to go , and left. I don't think there is any shame in being what you are , and saying it. But I know why people fear it, its just because they don't want to be left alone. Every human needs company, or to be more practical social respect. And it's a duty of every human who wants that respect for himself to give it to the others as well. Somebody's personal choice of sexuality doesn't affect me from stop behaving to him like a normal human \nbeing.I have seen a group of well educated decent humans ill treat a man just because they cannot see beyond their normal, parochial visions. Why is human approach so shallow? Let me put it in a politically correct way. Writing this has not been with the clear objective of giving a social message, this message is apparent, needn't be put into words. I am nobody to classify the right or the wrong. I can do it for myself. But still I can treat others with respect inspite of whatever way they choose to live their \nlives.I am not asking you to do the same,to be tolerant or anything, in the end it's a matter of your choice.I do lots of things based on instinct, and am asked why I do it like that. I want to know what is the other way to do it?\nI trust people because I think they should be trusted, I have been deceived, but I have also been trusted. So, its finally my way- whether I feel like remembering the goods or the bads. Whether I should stay clung to my setbacks or I should move ahead.\n Even Achilles had a heel, so my setbacks wont change my outlook to life, and people in general.I think this is a very practical thing written by a very impractical person. And lemme reiterate the fact that I am a highly biased and opinionated human being, and yet I can move out of this web I have weaved around me , when I CHOOSE to!\n",1]
He was taken aback by my straight forwardness. I could make that out. He told me – He was just curious.Then he told me he had to go , and left. I don't think there is any shame in being what you are , and saying it. But I know why people fear it, its just because they don't want to be left alone. Every human needs company, or to be more practical social respect. And it's a duty of every human who wants that respect for himself to give it to the others as well. Somebody's personal choice of sexuality doesn't affect me from stop behaving to him like a normal human being.I have seen a group of well educated decent humans ill treat a man just because they cannot see beyond their normal, parochial visions. Why is human approach so shallow? Let me put it in a politically correct way. Writing this has not been with the clear objective of giving a social message, this message is apparent, needn't be put into words. I am nobody to classify the right or the wrong. I can do it for myself. But still I can treat others with respect inspite of whatever way they choose to live their lives.I am not asking you to do the same,to be tolerant or anything, in the end it's a matter of your choice.I do lots of things based on instinct, and am asked why I do it like that. I want to know what is the other way to do it? I trust people because I think they should be trusted, I have been deceived, but I have also been trusted. So, its finally my way- whether I feel like remembering the goods or the bads. Whether I should stay clung to my setbacks or I should move ahead. Even Achilles had a heel, so my setbacks wont change my outlook to life, and people in general.I think this is a very practical thing written by a very impractical person. And lemme reiterate the fact that I am a highly biased and opinionated human being, and yet I can move out of this web I have weaved around me , when I CHOOSE to!
-- Truth is not always popular, but it is always right. A free society is a place where it's safe to be unpopular. \n\n",0]

11:15:55 AM
Posted By richa singh Comments (3) Uncategorized
richasudden Monday, February 26, 2007 11:29:39 AM
i think i have said that only above, u should atleast read b4 writing!
richasudden Monday, February 26, 2007 11:34:29 AM
i think i have said that only above, u should atleast read b4 writing!
perfektm Monday, February 26, 2007 11:43:25 AM
richagays are not bad... its us who made human good or bad. infact what is sex?remember, its only a fulfillment to remove the emptyness or lonlyness of life away...Gays feel it secure with other mens, where many peoples have ideology to press others on name of sex... perhaps the main reason of opression for womens(not all mens are like that anyways)..the only part is, that with a women a person can also reproduce.. but how much people think of reproduction when they have sex?so in short, dont judge people how they sex, as this is a need.. judge them with the deeds, with the type of relation(is it fraud that hurts other by cheating, or is it a fulfillment of basic need), and with the thinking

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Muhammad's Profession: Booty Ahoy!

Monday, February 26, 2007
Muhammad's Profession: Booty Ahoy!
What exactly was the profession of Mohammed, the founder of Islam? Did he work at Wal-Mart? Did he flip burgers at McDonald's? Did he at least work for a Jew jeweler, making ornaments for the beautiful women of Medina?
FOREWORDI Like this article on Islam watch a lot, and i openly accept.. that its a copy paste... for those who want to claim i am a copy paste type person..can check my work here.... My work is always a bit serious.. like analyzing hidden meat of samjhauta Mishap, why godhra was excluded from terror attacks, and going under the meat...but enjoyment is also nessacary, so here is what i am sharing, a article full of enjoyment, from Mr. sher khan what i am sharing with you.. hope you will also enjoy.. I really dont know, that is that site allowed in India or not... because jihad watch and so on are banned.REQUEST : PLEASE APPRECIATE THE REAL AUTHOR OF THIS ARTICLE BY VISITING HIS SITE... IT IS REALLY GREAT FEELING; WHEN EVERY NEW HIT FROM NEW USER IS OBSERVED ON WEBLOG.. DON'T FORGET THAT I JUST MADE A COPY HERE....

The correct answer is, 'None of the above'. Sure enough, there was no Wal-Mart or McDonald's 1400 years ago. Even if there was one, he would not have worked as a blue-collar laborer because he was involved in a lucrative business that did not require any investment. Although, in his childhood, Mohammed briefly worked as a shepherd and made a few business trips on behalf of his 'soon to be wife' Khadija, he spent the rest of his life looting, kidnapping and slave-trading when he ran out of Khadija's wealth.
It is an Islamic fact that Mohammed's early delusion of preaching peaceful Islam did not work very well; in fact, it was as bad as one of the flop movies of Hollywood. Like a spoiled brat, he lived on his wife's money, and, with a handful of followers, roamed around the city of Mecca - aimlessly. When he moved to Medina, he became a professional mobster.
However, contemporary Islamic scholars, the gadflies who relentlessly promote peaceful Islam, do not admit that Mohammed's sole intention was robbing; rather, they find Mohammed's action as a means to promote Islam. They try to believe (and attempt to make others believe) that it was necessary for Mohammed to fight with disbelievers, precisely those unclean polytheists in order to establish Islam, and often as self-defense. Was the fight aimed to abolish polytheism and establish Islam, or did the raids committed by Mohammed have one simple purpose - robbing? Let's read one of the Ahadith to find the truth.
"Aisha said (this is the version of narrator Yahya): A man from the polytheists accompanied the Prophet (may peace be upon him) to fight with him. He said (Go back. Both the narrators (Musaddad and Yahya) then agreed. (The Prophet said): We do not want any help from a polytheist." (2276, Sunan Abu Dawud)
Strange! Do you see the problem? Mohammed supposedly fought with polytheists, yet one of those polytheists wanted to accompany the prophet. Though Mohammed refused to take the guy with him, why should a polytheist dare to ask? Obviously, Mohammed's adventures had nothing to do with preaching Islam or subduing polytheists, but making money from the raid. That's why the polytheist wanted to join Mohammed and make some easy money.
Most Muslims claim and believe a myth - 'Mohammed only fought defensive wars; he never harmed anyone unless he was attacked.' Surprisingly, the Ahadith, Quran and Sirat Rasul Allah repeatedly prove otherwise. Here are a few examples from Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasullah, out of many incidents.
"THE RAID ON WADDAN WHICH WAS HIS FIRST RAID: ?.until he reached Waddan, which is the raid of al-Abwa?" (p 281).
"THE RAID ON BUWAT: ?Then the apostle went raiding in the month of Rabiul-Awwal making for Quraish?" (285).
"THE RAID ON SAFAWAN, WHICH IS THE FIRST RAID OF BADR: The apostle stayed only a few nights, less than ten, in Medina when he came back from raiding Al-'Ushayra?.(286)
"THE RAID ON B.SULAYMAN IN AL-KUDR: The apostle stayed only seven nights in Medina before he himself made a raid against B.Sulayman?" (360).
"THE RAID OF DHU AMARR: When the apostle returned from the raid of al-Sawiq he stayed in Medina for the rest of Dhu'l-Hijja, or nearly all of it. The he raided Najd?.." (362).
See how busy Mohammed's schedule was? He had to work hard, much harder than any top rated CEO of a big corporation. He really did not have any choice; after all, he had to support a dozen wives, an unknown number of slaves and numerous jobless bohemians - his followers that is. Unlike the legendary Robin Hood or Zorro, Mohammed did not go out and fight with the rich people; rather, his companions did most of the ugly work. However, Mohammed had a responsibility to make sure that looted wealth was equally distributed. He merely charged one-fifth of the looted goods, known as Khumas, for his service, which of course was a sizable amount for his living.
Obviously, handy-dandy Allah was very helpful in legalizing the robbing business. Mohammed, in fact, made his Allah involved in it, and had him declare?
"And know that whatever ye take as spoils of war, lo! a fifth thereof is for Allah, and for the messenger?" (Q 8:41).
"That which Allah giveth as spoil unto His messenger from the people of the townships, it is for Allah and His messenger?" (Q 59:7).
Is it not amazing how Allah asked for his share of booty? How the heck a god, supposedly an all merciful god, would do with the booty is the question. It's not only the Quran, but several Ahadith also confirm how Mohammed took it upon himself to distribute the looted wealth.
"Abd Allah b. Amr said: When the Apostle of Allahs (May peace be upon him) gained a booty he ordered Billal to make a public announcement. He made a public announcement, and when the people brought their booty, he would take a fifth and divide it?.."(2706, Sunan Abu Dawud).
If you have seen, for instance, one of those action Hollywood movies, which also happen in real life, you may have noticed how the criminals fight with each other after robbing a bank. Often, the robbery is successful, but each of the criminals tries to gulp the whole treasure, depriving others and, in most cases, they kill each other in a tense moment. Mohammed indeed had a tough job of controlling those robbers and maintaining the discipline. He did not hesitate to implement tough punishment for those who stole from the booty. Here's another Ahadith from Suan Abu Dawood:
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him), AbuBakr and Umar burned the belongings of anyone who had been dishonest about booty and beat him.
Ah booty! What a sweet word for Mohammed!
The word 'booty' refers to spoils of war; in other words, it is the treasure that was received after a raid or so-called expedition. The treasure often included money, jewelry, swords, and camels, and even women and children could be sold as slaves. Seemingly, according to Mohammed, consuming booty was a special privilege that was never permitted to any other prophet. At a later time, Khalifah Umar, as recorded in Bukhari, testified this fact proudly and did not see any problem in such heinous acts.
Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: The Prophet said, "I have been given five things which were not given to anyone else before me.
1. Allah made me victorious by awe (by His frightening my enemies) for a distance of one month's journey.
2. The earth has been made for me (and for my followers) a place for praying and a thing to perform Tayammum, therefore anyone of my followers can pray wherever the time of a prayer is due.
3. The booty has been made Halal (lawful) for me yet it was not lawful for anyone else before me.
4. I have been given the right of intercession (on the Day of Resurrection).
5. Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only but I have been sent to all mankind.
Though all five claims deserve a careful examination and they speak volumes of an insane person, considering our main focus on booty, I will resist the temptation. Let's discuss claim number three that proclaims a special privilege for Mohammed. Apparently, by saying 'anyone else' he meant other prophets who came before Mohammed. Despite having a low rate of success, prophecy always had been a lucrative business. There is no record of how many people failed in this 'no money down' business and left quietly. However, our prophet of Islam took the challenge personally when most of the people of the then Arabia refused him. Other successful prophets did not go for looting because they were either supported by their followers or considered looting as an immoral act. Mohammed not only glorified robbing, he also fused robbing into Islam in such a manner that it became a holy act.
One thing is for sure--Mohammed took care of his mercenaries very well. One of his members married a woman to whom he promised two hundred dirhams as dowry. When he asked Mohammed to help him out, Mohammed declined this request because he did not have that much money either. After a few days, Mohammed was informed that a tribe named Qays b Rifa was planning to attack him with a huge army, which Ibn Ishaq mentioned in Sirat Rasul Allah as 'numerous'. Mohammed sent two other Muslims along with this guy to take care of the problem. Ibn Ishaq reports,
"I hid at one end and ordered my companions to hide at the other end?.There we were waiting to take the enemy by surprise?and when he came in range I shot him in the heart with an arrow?I leapt upon him and cut off his head and ran in the direction of the camp shouting 'Allah Akber' and my two companions did likewise?they all fled?.We drove off a large number of camels and sheep and brought them to the apostle and I took Rifaa's head to the apostle, who gave me thirteen of the camels to help me with the woman's dowry, and I consummated my marriage."
First, one needs to understand the divine grace of the shouting 'Allah Akber' while holding a slit head in his hand. Secondly, how a mere three people could defeat an army of numerous soldiers is a miracle. Obviously, there was no huge army but a small tribe who was lurking around the desert. Mohammed did not mind sending three people to rob this poor tribe and help his companion to fulfill his desire of marriage.
In many countries, a person is honored for an honorable deed with a certain title such as Lord, Baron, Knight, Samurai, etc. In Islam, Ghazi is one of those titles that make a Muslim proud. Unsurprisingly, the term Ghazi came from another word Ghazwa, which means a raid (the politically correct phrase is holy battle) under the leadership of Mohammed. Those who died in the process of looting were called Shahid (Martyr) and those who survived were honored as Ghazi.
So, in Islam, stealing is a grave offense, subject to cutting of hands, but robbing is a holy mission. When a Muslim returns with looted wealth, he is honored as a Ghazi. On the other hand, if he dies, he becomes a martyr and takes an easy route to heaven, which is full of virgin belly dancers.
In the age of up periscope - down periscope and sonar technology, sailors of a ship know their exact position and how far the land is. However, long ago, when sailors had to spend months on the ocean, they hunkered on the deck to see the land. Usually, each ship had an Eagle's nest, built on top of a mast, where an observer would sit and watch the ocean or look for possible land. If a strip of land was seen on the horizon, the sailor would scream, "Land Ahoy!". It was the sweetest scream that all sailors wanted to hear. The land had many meanings for a sailor. It meant a possible seaport, barrels of wine in a salon and plenty of cheap hookers.
Did Mohammed scream, with glittering eyes, "Booty Ahoy!" before he went on a raid?
The following Ahadith from Sunan Abu Dawood proves the case:
Narrated Sahl ibn al-Hanzaliyyah: "?.. A horseman came and said: Apostle of Allah, I went before you and climbed a certain mountain where I saw Hawazin all together with their women, cattle, and sheep, having gathered at Hunayn?The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) smiled and said: That will be the booty of the Muslims tomorrow if Allah wills. He then asked: Who will be on guard tonight??"
Mohammed loved to have Fai. I see that some readers are wondering how Mohammed could have loved a Chinese food. Not really! Fai is not a Chinese food. It is the easiest money that came without fighting. One Ahadith narrates:
"Marwan bin Al-Hakim and Miswar bin Makhrama: ??and we will compensate him from the very first Fai' (i.e., war booty received without fight which Allah will give us??."
Consider what it would be like to walk through a dark alley on a quiet night. You are looking back every few minutes, hoping no one is following you. You are close to the next illuminated street, but, almost magically, two tall musclemen block your way and ask for your wallet. You hand them your wallet and give up your wrist watch and the expensive jacket that you bought recently. Yes, you just made your contribution to Fai.
Mohammed, as Muslims argue, fought defensive wars, meaning he only combated to save his precious life. Yet he earned booty without a fight. Apparently, enemies of Mohammed attacked him maliciously, but brought their wealth with them, and delivered it to Mohammed upon defeat. They even rewarded Mohammed with their own wives and children to become slaves, while Mohammed was busy saving his life. Such belief, though, seem absurd to any sane person. Muslims and the non-Muslims who are itching to sacrifice themselves as dhimnies desperately cling to this kind of fallacy. It's true that some tribes had their families with them at the time of the conflict, but no civilized person would think of making children and women slaves.
Anyway, let's continue with Mohammed's business deals. At the end of Mohammed's life, he invaded Khyber where the Jewish tribe B. al-Nadr lived, and Kinana b. al-Rabi was the custodian of all the treasures that the tribe had. When inquired by the prophet of Islam, being a responsible person, he refused to disclose the whereabouts of the treasure. Ibn Ishaq reports in Sirat Rasul Allah,
"When he asked him about the rest he refused to produce it, so the apostle gave orders to al-Zubayr b. al-Awwam, 'Torture him until you extract what he has,' so he kindled a fire with flint and steel on his chest until he was nearly dead?" (515) . Tabari, another famous historian, describes the same event with more details:
"...the Messenger of God gave orders concerning him to al-Zubayr b. al-Awwam, saying, 'Torture him until you root out what he has.' Al-Zubayr kept twirling his fire stick in his breast until Kinanah almost expired..." (123).
Oddly, the prophet of Islam knew when the world would fall apart, and he had the ability to split the moon, yet he did not know where the treasure was hidden. Besides his inability, he did not hesitate to order torturing an innocent person. So much for defensive war!
Think of a real life drama: a kidnapper has just kidnapped your loved ones, perhaps your daughter or your wife, and is asking for ransom. How would you feel? How would you judge the characteristics of the kidnapper? The very first thing you would think of the kidnapper is that he does not possess any humanistic quality. Well, you will be glad to hear that Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, proudly lacked such quality.
In Mohammed's age, the relatives of captured people had a heart, a much better one than the prophet. Those who could afford to pay the ransom paid the amount and brought back their loved ones. Mohammed even set an amount for the ransom.
"Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) fixed the ransom of the people of pre-Islamic Arabia at four hundred dirhams per head on the day of the battle of Badr" (Bukhari, Kitab al-Jihad).
The Quran, Mohammed's best selling book, clearly encourages the acceptance of ransom. Read the following verse.
"So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates" (Q 47:04).
Of course, so-called Islamic scholars, living under infidel rule, will disagree, and might break their necks from shaking them. They will deliberately argue that this verse talked about a war situation; hence, it is not kidnapping. However, Mohammed's alleged wars were nothing but raids for financial gain. If he was sincere about spreading a peaceful religion, he should not have to fight with anyone. Even if he had to fight for self-defense, why have ransom? Though Mr. Allah gave a choice of showing generosity or accepting ransom, a peaceful god of a peaceful religion should have forbidden taking ransom, and strictly ordered to free the captives.
Allah, a haughty imaginary puppet played by the puppet master Mohammed, said exactly what Mohammed said. Mohammed needed money to survive and keep his gang members happy. So, accepting ransom from the relatives of captives, captured in a war or from a sudden raid, became a benchmark of Islam. When the pious Muslims of Iraq and Afghanistan kidnap Americans, they are merely following the ideal of their prophet.
Slavery is an integral part of Islam because Mohammed himself practiced such deeds. Those who are familiar with Quranic liturgy may know the meaning of 'Right hand possess', which refers to slave women. The famous verse that allows a Muslim man to marry up to four wives also gives a blanket permission to enjoy his slave women, and, ironically, it prevents the Muslim from doing injustice. At least, the Quran deliberately claims this to be true.
"If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice" (Q 4:03).
For a few skeptics, the verse may be questionable because some Muslims, without knowing other verses, bicker about this verse, and may claim that it asks Muslims to marry one of those slave girls. Don't be disheartened! There are more verses to confirm the risqué   business of Mohammed, which explicitly allowed him, and subsequently his followers, to enjoy the slave girls.
"O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee;?" (Q 33:50).
Please note the use of an important conjunction "and", which I highlighted in red. It is mind boggling how a god could allow a man to have sex with a helpless woman who has been snatched from her loved ones--her husband, her parents and children. Yet Muslims blatantly believe Allah is merciful. Many Muslims ague Mohammed had a master plan of freeing slaves gradually because he encouraged his followers to free their slaves. The notion is partially true. According to the Quran:
"Never should a believer kill a believer; but (If it so happens) by mistake, (Compensation is due): If one (so) kills a believer, it is ordained that he should free a believing slave, and pay compensation to the deceased's family, unless they remit it freely. If the deceased belonged to a people at war with you, and he was a believer, the freeing of a believing slave (Is enough). If he belonged to a people with whom ye have treaty of Mutual alliance, compensation should be paid to his family, and a believing slave be freed?" (Q 4:92).
Note the highlighted words "believing slave", which explicitly denote Muslim slaves. In other words, those slaves who decide to sing the magic spell and embrace Islam should be freed. It surely does not mention non-believing slaves. It was, indeed, a nice strategy. A freed Muslim slave will go nowhere but join Mohammed's army and participate in robbing.
Mohammed's command varied from time to time and situation to situation. Though there are several Ahadith that encourage freeing slaves, Mohammed himself did just the opposite. The following two ahadith from Shahi Bukhari prove that he did not miss an opportunity to make a few extra bucks or help a relative with a (slave) gift.
"Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: A man amongst us declared that his slave would be freed after his death. The Prophet called for that slave and sold him. The slave died the same year."
"Narrated Kuraib: the freed slave of Ibn 'Abbas, that Maimuna bint Al-Harith told him that she manumitted a slave-girl without taking the permission of the Prophet. On the day when it was her turn to be with the Prophet, she said, 'Do you know, O Allah's Apostle, that I have manumitted my slave-girl?' He said, 'Have you really?' She replied in the affirmative. He said, 'You would have got more reward if you had given her (i.e., the slave-girl) to one of your maternal uncles.'"
Apparently, slaves were treated as commodities, and there was no harm in giving a slave to a relative as a gift. Mohammed, in fact, prescribed heavenly reward for such action instead of freeing the slave.
However, we must give credit where it is due. Mohammed established a good ethic of slave trading. In the modern world, 'No return policy' is not a very good way to do business, and most of the stores allow consumers to return or exchange within a certain period of time. The Human Rights Association may not like it and any human with an iota of humanity will oppose, but Mohammed had a very good policy of slave trading. Read the hadith from Sunan Abu Dawood:
"The contractual obligation of a slave is three days. If he finds defect in the slave within three days, he may return it without any evidence; if he finds a defect after three days, he will be required to produce evidence that the slave had the defect when he brought it."
After massacring the Jewish tribe of B. Qurayza, Mohammed divided their property, wives, and children among the Muslims. Ibn Isaq reports in Sirat Rasul Allah,
"Then the apostle sent Sad b. Zayd al-Ansari brother of b Abdul-Ashhal with some of the captive women of B. Qurayza to Najd and he sold them for horses and weapons."
On one occasion, Mohammed exchanged seven slaves for a beautiful slave girl. His reason for such generosity remains questionable, and only a director of a porno movie will be able to explain vividly.
Over the centuries, Muslims have attributed many altruistic virtues to Mohammed's character, much of which were either invented or twisted from Islamic scriptures. Some of the commands made by Mohammed were specifically constructed for Muslims, yet moderate Muslims and Muslim scholars who have vested interest in the Kafir world, misconstrued the verdicts, and declared that they are for all humans. Nevertheless, there are abundant records of barbarity caused by Mohammed that ought to be taken under consideration. Any sane human would reject such perilous characteristics of Mohammed, but preconditioned minds of Muslims refuse to face the reality and remain clueless of real Islam.
Granted, there are many educated Muslims, but it is a shame that instead of engaging in a dialectical discussion, they conveniently ignore the dark side of Mohammed and often defend such inhuman behavior. They are educated, but they have not educated their thinking. Often, traditional education does not open a person's mind unless he educates his thinking.
6:00:20 AM
Posted By P M Comments (0) Personals

Friday, February 23, 2007

Meaning of Sanyaas

Friday, February 23, 2007
Meaning of Sanyaas
Sanyaas is not what you think. It is not about leaving everything and goes away. Since, who does that is not an accomplisher. He himself is dejected. And who himself is dejected how can he fight for welfare of others. Dejection is weakness as long as it does not strengthen you. It should be practiced to attain strength, that’s all. Once you have acquired enough then its purpose is done. Even if I decide to run away, but where? As long as I am living I cannot leave this planet until science comes up with some miracle in another 20 years. The sanyaas I am talking about is to live, to perform, and to bear fruits with the detachment. It is like “Guru Gobind Singh sacrificed everything but still “HE” was unmoved. “HE” was commanding a great army even then “HE” was detached. It is something which does not come in from outside, it is something which comes out from inside.Am I a sanyaasi? Or Shall I take sanyaas in the future? If I am working for the people, am I a sanyaasi? You keep on asking these questions to your self. In this world, to prove your point you have to be credible. Since, the vision of the world is so limited that they want something tangible before they start believing you. That’s why Great Masters have to perform things which are referred as “miracles” in human language. How good or blessed “Nanak” might be but how can “HE” be a Guru if “HE” does not have credibility.I can be a sanyaasi if I won’t go anywhere. To take sanyaas means to leave things which are obstacles to the quest. I will leave things which are not part of ideal “Khalsa”. Hence, being a sanyaasi means to leave bad habits. If they are with me, does it matter where I live? Since, they will always be with me. Hence, I have not left anything behind. How can I be a sanyaasi?Sanyaasi is not who leaves everything but sanyaasi is one whose vision is broad, who remains untouched, and who has gone ahead for the quest of “Truth”. Even dead people leave this world, does it mean all are sanyaasi? The challenge is right here. Who accepts the challenge and remains balanced is sanyaasi. Sanyaasi is one who is in bliss and blissful. If you are aware of yourself you are sanyaasi. Sanyaasi is one who finds time for introspection. Sanyaasi is one who respects other being, who loves other.Why sanyaas should be a choice and should not be forced? It increases your horizons and you will accept people in whatever state they are. They will be showed right path, they will have knowledge to evolve themselves, and they will help each other to become a better human. Human body is a gate to other world, the blissful one. If everyone would become a sanyaasi (the one who don't marry and lives in cave, dejected from world), as we generally think, then how the remaining souls will be salvaged. They have to enter human body to achieve salvation. If they won’t how the miseries will end? How the dream of “Great Masters” will be accomplished? It simply means we are selfish, as we are not thingking about other souls and a true sanyaasi is always unselfish.
10:25:54 AM
Posted By Tarundeep Singh Comments (0) Society

Dalit Voice

Friday, February 23, 2007
PM-FM conspiracy to sabotage Sachar Committee report on Muslims ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: We do not know how far it is a drama played to fool the Muslims. But a press report that Finance Minister Chidambaram, a Tamil Chettiar, has disobeyed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh?s directive to allot 15% priority sector lending to Muslims makes us suspect that it is a drama.
The Khatri Sikh has been making all sorts of pro-Muslim statements ever since he received the Sachar Committee report by a fellow Khatri. The report is good though there is nothing new. The only thing that is new in the statement is that Muslims are pushed below Dalits by the Brahminical rulers.This is said by an upper caste Hindu, Rajendra Sachar (DV Jan.16, 2007 p.9: ?Sachar Committee Report, Rs. 375, Write to DV office).
Trio indicted: The three top persons involved in the Congress Govt?s version of ?India shining? are Manmohan Singh, Chidambaram and Montek Singh Ahluwalia. DV has indicted all the three and said the trio have excelled the Brahmana Jati Party?s ?India shining? hate-mongers whom the country rejected wholesale in the last election.
The three are birds of the same feather and hence naturally fly together. So the Asian Age lead story of Jan.28, 2007: ?FM ignores PM directives? has to be taken with a pinch of salt.
All the three are Kattar Hindus in thinking excelling the Hindu terrorist party which spoke honest words and did equally honest work to promote the Brahminical interests.
Creator of Harshad Mehta: But Manmohan Singh, who was selected by Sonia Gandhi to head the Congress Govt. in her place, came with a different mandate of the people who rejected the Hindu terrorist party for taking the country towards fascism. But the social, cultural and economic steps the trio took have gone against this mandate of the people and the interests of Muslims, Dalits and the vast sections of the oppressed.
In DV we have said this many times. We have listed all the sins of PM once again at the end of this story.
Manmohan Singh as the henchman of the notorious Brahmin PM, Narasimha Rao, was the father of LPG and gave birth to Harshad Mehta when he was the Finance Minister. How can we forget it? Bringing back such a man, who then destabilised the entire economy of the country putting the blame on ?system failure? and now elevated as PM at the instance of the World Bank under zionist control, was not in the interest of the country. By this time his true face stands fully exposed.
How can the FM totally ignore the PM?s directives on so important an issue concerning Muslims, the burning topic (Sachar Committee report) of the day?
DV Dec.1, 2006 p.12: ?PM kills private sector quota??
DV Sept.16, 2006 p.6: ?Manmohan mischief kills OBC reservation Bill??
DV Aug.16, 2006 p.6: ?Upper caste oppression forcing break-up of India?.
DV Edit July 16, 2006: India grounded & refusing to take off: Manmohan Singh & Co. misleading people:.
DV Edit June 16, 2006: ?Manmohan-Pranab bid to sabotage OBC Quota??
DV Edit June 1, 2006: ?It is time for Manmohan Singh to go?.
DV May 16, 2006 p.7: ?Arjun Singh leads anti-PM revolt in Congress??
Hindu shit falls on Hindu head OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: Anything concerning sex gets front-page priority in India?s ?national? toilet papers. The recent rub in Britain between a silly British TV girl ?racially abusing? a sinking Bombay film star received columns and columns of media coverage and hundreds of hours in TV.
But the Indian ruling upper castes who felt themselves so insulted and offended have forgotten their own past. Did they not silently swallow the insult when the then British rulers of India kept warning boards outside their exclusive clubs announcing ?Dogs and Indians not allowed?? Why they are so angry now?
This writer?s grandson now schooling in London often faced racial insults from White boys in the White area he lived. Hindus living in Kenya and other African countries were driven out for practising racism against Black natives.
?Hindu India? is the founding father of racism which it exported to West. The Hindu caste system is based on varna, the meaning of which is skin colour. Are they not racially oppressing the Untouchables? The Hindu shit fell on the Hindu head itself.
Admiring Nepali Prachanda but killing Indian naxals OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: India?s upper caste rulers? double standards are clearly visible in giving a hero?s welcome to Brahmin ?Prachanda?, the maoist, when he visited Delhi recently. Why the Indian rulers are gunning down naxals (maoists) in Chhattisgarh, AP and all other states but praising the maoist Mahatma of Nepal? Is it because he is a Brahmin?
Pushpa Kamal Dahal heading the Maoist Party of Nepal is better known by his name Prachanda. His 11-year-old violent fight against the Nepalese Govt. has killed thousands and thousands of cadres, mainly Nepali Dalits.
His party has just joined the new Nepali Govt. giving up the 11-year violent insurgency. But when he came to Delhi he got a heroic welcome from the Brahminical media and its leaders including the communists.
BJP-RSS disappoints rulers: Why he has suddenly become the darling of India?s Brahminical ruling class? There is no mystery. The Indian rulers have high hopes in this Brahmin maoist that he will help his jatwalas here to rescue them from their existing mess.
Brahminical rulers thought that their own Brahmana Jati Party (BJP), guided by their Hindu terrorist party RSS, would rescue them from the ?curse? of Dalits who together with Muslims are giving them sleepless nights.
The failure of the BJP, which got defeated in the last parliament election, broke their heart. The quick success of the maoists (naxalites) in capturing a big chunk of India and carving out a corridor right from Nepal down to Bihar and via Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, AP and down to Karnataka within a couple of years has given the rulers new hopes. Because India?s naxal leadership is also in the hands of their jatwalas to whom Prachanda is a great inspiration.
Coup to make Prachanda President: Prachanda?s men have already joined the Nepal Govt. and the reports say his armed maoist cadres may stage a coup to force the govt. to make him the President of Nepal. Once this is accomplished, India?s upper caste-led naxalite (maoist) movement will get a tremendous boost.
What was not possible with the RSS-BJP Hindu shikhandi in the past 80 years or so can be accomplished within a few years by the Brahminical maoists. This is the secret of the Indian rulers jubilation over Prachanda.
When will Gaddar and company understand this Brahminical game?
UN committing suicide ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: That the United Nations is in the pocket of the zionists is a well known fact. DV has said it many times.
On Jan.27, 2007 the UN General Assembly once again proved that it is a stooge of the zionists by voting for an American (read zionist) resolution condemning all those who criticise the World War-II nazi holocaust as a hoax. How can a world body criticise free thought?
UN supported aggressors: The 192-member General Assembly asserted that holocaust as a historical event cannot be denied. But many well-known historians have denied it. (Read article below)
In other words even this world body, the only hope of the humans, by passing such a resolution is trying to gag free expression of views by historians.
Of course, the oppressed humanity had never any hope in the UN. It supported the aggressors in Palestine and Kashmir, the world?s two longest lasting human tragedies. The new UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, a stooge of USA like his predressor, Kofi Annan, endorsed the UN resolution on holocaust.
But Iranian President Ahmedinejad in a statement bravely reiterated his country?s stand that holocaust is a fabrication of history and repeated his prediction that Israel would ?fall to pieces?.
Tehran conference: Iran held a two-day conference in Tehran in December on holocaust attended by famous historians of the world including some Rabbis (Jews).
In DV, we just published (Feb.1, 2007 p.21) a portion of British historian Alan Hart?s book on Jews in which he says Hitler was not anti-Jew and that he had supported the Jews in the creation of Israel. (DV June 1, 2005 p.13: ?Brighter side of Hitler: DV to reveal facts suppressed by history?).
Aids used to ?finish? Blacks ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: When Aids is preventable, why the racists among the White Western people are not doing anything? Dalit Voice had carried so many reports and articles expressing the fear that certain racist forces in the West are using the Aids as a weapon to destroy the rise of the powerful Blacks of Africa. Here is yet another book revealing plans to prevent the rise of Africa. Is it a part of the ?clash of civilisations??
DV Jan.1, 2006 p.8: ?Bill Gates sudden love for slaves of India?.
DV April 16, 2005 p.6: ?Nobel laureate says West invented Aids to exterminate Blacks?.
DV March 1, 2005 p.7: ?Western racist bid to topple Mbeki will not succeed?.
DV Feb.16, 2005 p.4: ?Aids, a White Western conspiracy??
DV Oct.16, 2004 p.27: ?Aids mania?.
DV Oct.1, 2004 p.13: ?Aids drugs aim at Blacks?.
DV Sept.16, 2004 p.12: ?Aids: Western conspiracy??
DV Aug.16, 2004 p.20: ?A White man?s conspiracy to finish Blacks?? & p. 21: ?African Aids statistics bogus?.
How they turned a disease into a disaster ?
Peter GillBritish journalist of the BBC
2007 pp.222 Rs. 195
4737/23 - Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi - 110 002.
Condi on the way-out ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: We once called Condoleezza Rice as ?Black bitch? for selling herself to the White rulers of America and becoming their obedient bumlicker. Yes. She truly represents the state of the Blacks in the US today.
Colin Powell, another Black, at least had the boldness to tell President Bush that his policy on Iraq was bound to fail. And it did fail. The zionists who control the American President demanded his dismissal as the Secretary of State and he was out. They brought in the loyal dog as the No.2 in the US Administration.
But today the same fellows who brought her in are blaming her for not giving the right advice to Bush. That means Condi is on the way-out. Call the dog mad and shoot.
Bush and his policies failed because he was obeying the dictates of the zionist controllers of USA. Not because of Condi.
Colin Powell could have resigned in protest when his advice on Iraq was not accepted by Bush. But he did not and so he was dismissed and disgraced. Condi?s ?death? is still worse. She was the ?closest? to Bush and yet today sidelined. Meanwhile, the zionist controllers are trying to groom another loyal dog to the White House: Senator Barack Obama, a half Black with a Muslim ancestry.
If the Democratic presidential candidate wins he will be the first Black in the White House. They are also testing Senator Hillary Clinton, who to please the zionist masters became a great supporter of Iraqi war but facing voter wrath for being a war-monger. Anybody between the two will be selected depending upon how close the candidates would come to zionist ideas.
In USA, the voters have no say on policies which are decided by the its 2% zionist controllers of the country.
Suicide of a nation ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: Zionist controllers of America are tightening the noose round the neck of the world?s sole super power. Step by step they are squeezing Americans but President Bush and his Govt. are unperturbed about the approaching suicide of a nation.
In DV, we have predicted all this. Much against the wish of the Baker Committee report, which was outright rejected by Bush, more troops are being rushed to Iraq where the American soldiers are made to die. George Bush has hit the bottom of his career having become so unpopular.
Meanwhile, the anti-Muslim war is being expanded to Iran and all preparations are being made to attack it before April (DV Feb.1, 2007 p.7).
Even as the political and military downfall of US is increasing day by day, so also its economic collapse. This also was predicted in DV.
London?s Financial Times (Jan.14, 2007) confirms our prediction.
The euro has displaced the US dollar as the world?s pre-eminent currency in international bond markets, having outstripped the dollar-denominated market for the second year in a row. The data consolidate news last month that the value of euro notes in circulation had overtaken the dollar for the first time.
Outstanding debt issued in the euro was worth the equivalent of $4,836bn at the end of 2006 compared with $3,892 billion for the dollar, according to International Capital Market Association (ICMA) data. Outstanding euro-denominated debt accounts for 45% of the global market, compared with 37% for the dollar. New issuance last year accounted for 49% of the global total.
That represents a startling turnabout from the pattern seen in recent decades, when the US bond market dwarfed its European rival: as recently as 2002, outstanding euro-denominated issuance represented just 27% of the global pie, compared with 51% for the dollar.
DV carried the story of Iran giving the first kick to USA (DV Feb.1, 2007 p.20). But the US rulers are unperturbed about their own country. But why the citizens of America are sleeping?
Secret of 3% Brahmins ruling India OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: Brahmins are foreigners along with other Aryan varna groups like the Kshatriyas and Vaishyas (Banias).
This is the finding of the Hyderabad-based Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB).
This adds credence to the theory that ?lower castes? emerged from tribal populations.
CCMB scientists analysed the Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA of three tribal populations of South India and compared the results with the available data from across the Indian subcontinent.
?The paternal lineage of Indian lower castes shows closer affinity to the tribal populations than to upper castes?, said Dr. Kumaraswamy Thangaraj. A significant aspect of the study is that its Y-SNP data provides compelling genetic evidence for the tribal origin of the lower caste populations. (Asian Age, Jan.15, 2007).
The non-Aryan sections are called SC/ST/BCs though in the Constitution of India they are included under the ?Hindu?. An overwhelming majority of Muslim/Christian/Sikh also belong to the non-Aryan section.
The above mentioned six non-Aryan (and hence non-Hindu) sections put together comprise over 85% of the Indian population (1,100 millions) leaving a micro-minority Hindus (15%).
But even in this four-fold (chaturvarna) caste system of Hindus there is one prominent group called the shudras who form the single largest.
The Brahmins may be less than 3% and the other two ? Kshatriya and Vaishya ? may be less than 2%. That leaves the shudras (10%) who also are hostile to the three dwija (twice-born) caste groups ? Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishya.
Why the shudras hate the dwijas? Because the Brahmins have demoted and condemned them declaring them adwijas.
The shudras are the county?s most problem group. The Brahmins are kicking them. That is why they hate them. Yet they are not willing to join the over 85% non-Hindu group of SC/ST/BCs who are the children of this soil being its original inhabitants.
Who are the shudras? For details read Babasaheb Ambedkar book Who Were the Shudras (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar W&S Vol.7, 1990).
These stupid shudras are neither here nor there. They are not only a problem to the country but more than that they are a problem unto themselves.
Who then are these shudras?
They are the Jats in the cowbelt, Kayasths of Bengal, Bihar, UP Etc, Patels of Gujarat, Marathas and Kunbis (Maharashtra), Reddys and Khammas (AP), Vokkaligas and Lingayats (Karnataka), Nairs (Kerala), Mudaliars, Vellalas (TN), Baidyas (Bengal).
The moment these unthinking shudras realise that they are used by the Brahmins as their slippers (chappals) and these slippers are also used by Brahmins to beat the non-Aryan children of this soil, the country?s caste dilemma will get automatically resolved.
The shudras are the land-owning castes all over India. The SC/ST/BCs work as farm labour on their lands. The shudra castes are the country?s politically most powerful because they can manipulate the SC/ST/BCs working under them and hence dominate them.
The sharp caste and class contradictions between the shudras and SC/ST/BCs are exploited by the Brahmins to divide the two and rule.
No doubt the shudras intensely hate the Brahmins but the Brahmins use the caste contradictions between them and the SC/BCs to divide the two and rule both.
This is the secret of the Brahmins ruling India despite being a micro-minority and also of foreign origin.
Muslims hated but Kalam loved ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: Upper castes (Hindus) hate Muslims. It is this hatred of Muslims that caused the partition of India, Kashmir problem, Babri Masjid demolition, Gujarat Genocide and many more ghastly tragedies. The Sachar Committee Report 2006 (DV Jan.16, 2007 p.9) reveals how much the Hindus hate the Muslim.
If this is true why the same hate-mongering Hindus love President Abdul Kalam, a Muslim? (DV Dec.16, 2006 p.6: ?Why upper castes are all praise for Kalam as a good man??).
All over India the upper cases have launched a massive signature drive and email campaign to secure a second term for Kalam. Already lakhs of signatures have been collected in support of India?s ?missile man?.
Know the ?Hindu mind?: Kalam?s term ends on July 25. The Brahmana Jati Party (BJP), which represents the quintessence of Hindu hypocrisy, is all-out for Kalam. But the ?secular? Congress Party has said no. Why this Brahminical love for Kalam when Muslims are so intensely hated? It is this diehard dichotomy that is devastating India.
The Hindu says one thing and does the very opposite of it. The ?Hindu mind? is a scourge of not merely every Hindu but of the entire ?Hindustan?. If anybody is interested in saving ?Hindustan?, she/he has to first study this ?Hindu mind?. Our book on this subject is getting ready.
Arab stooges support US attack on Iran OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: Shocking news is coming from Middle East. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and some Gulf states, all stooges of America, have supported its plan to attack Iran. All these are Arab states and Sunni. Iran is Shia. If the reports are true it marks the beginning of World War-III in which the invaders and their Arab collaborators would end up being the biggest losers. President Musharraf of Pakistan is visiting the offending Arab states this week. Hope he is able to get public denial of the news of their collaboration with the US. A tour of the Middle East by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice culminated on Jan.16 in a meeting in Kuwait and the signing of a joint communique by the foreign ministers of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) plus Egypt and Jordan.
Stop SEZ & return lands to farmers OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: That the Indian ruling class is not interested in India and the Indians can be best proved from Manmohan Singh?s dangerous SEZ policy.
There was a time when ? under the influence of the Sarkari Sant (Vinobha Bhave) ? the rich donated their land to the poor, a scheme known as Bhoodan. In today?s India, there is a ?reverse Bhoodan?, with the land of the poor being compulsorily acquired for the rich at a pittance. There was a time when the rich paid the taxes; and the poor and the middle classes were either exempt or paid low rates of taxes. In today?s India, the rich get tax holidays while the poor bear the brunt of taxation. This ?perversion? has a name: SEZ.
Even the IMF thinks SEZs are a bad idea. Even the Brahmin journal Frontline says that huge tracts of acquired land are being handed over to corporations in ?sweetheart? deals and scams centered on SEZs.
One can understand the govt.?s power of eminent domain being exercised to compulsorily acquire land for a public purpose such as a port or roads or a govt. building complex. But resorting to compulsory land acquisition for the benefit of private companies ? in the name of promoting industrialisation? can never be tolerate.
It is a mystery why the ?arch votaries of the market? and ?ferocious opponents of public subsidy? like Ratan Tata, Narayanamurthy, Azim Premji, the Ambanis and others can?t pay market prices and buy land directly from farmers instead of looking upto the govt. to acquire land for them at subsidised prices. The Tamil Nadu Govt. allotted 346 acres of land to the Ford car project, which itself was on the higher side. Why do the Tatas need 997 acres for their car project? Why does Narayanamurthy need 350 acres in Bangalore, Mysore and Mangalore for Infosys, when everyone knows that IT is not a land-intensive industry and a mere 10 acres may have sufficed? It is clear that these so-called ?captains of the industry?-turned-realtors have one set of standards for themselves and another for farmers and lesser mortals.
The Manuwadi Marxist Govt. of W.Benal proposes to acquire 10,000 acres of farm lands for the Salim Group of Indonesia. What is the reputation of this Salim Group? The simple fact is it is a Suharto crony company says it all. It cheated the Indonesian Govt. and robbed the consumers when Jakarta?s water supply system was privatised. Any decent Leftist wouldn?t want to touch such a degenerate capitalist as the Salim Group with a hundred foot pole. Like politics, business too seems to make for strange bedfellows.
SEZ must be abandoned and land returned to farmers. Our people must fight until then.
NREGS fails in Andhra Pradesh ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: DV was the first in India to predict that the UPA Govt.?s ?most prestigious? and widely publicised NREGS (National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme) would fail.
We have published many reports on govt.?s own admission of the failure. Here is one more.
Bandlapalli (Anantapur dt.): Nearly a year after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh launched a programme operationalising NREGS from this sleepy village in AP most of the goalposts set in 2006 remain unfulfilled. While launching it on Feb.2 last year in the presence of UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi, he had hailed it as a ?landmark in our history in removing poverty from the face of the nation?.
A visit to this village now, however, shows that the gloss attached to the programme seems to be wearing off. (Hindu, Jan.29, 2007).
Why it failed: Why the NREGS is bound to fail is argued in our book, Development Redefined (DSA-2006). It is simple. Those implementing the project are upper castes who are bent upon sabotaging it. In the book, we wanted the project should adopt a caste-based approach. As the upper castes are unwilling, they simply ruined it as it is not benefitting their jati.
DV Jan.16, 2007 p. 24: ?Upper caste rulers push India to social disruption & economic crisis?.
DV Edit Oct.16, 2006: ?GDPwalas misleading world: Rise of China used to make India slave of America?.
DV Feb.16, 2006 p.27: ?The fallen & forgotten 26% Indians?.
DV Feb.1, 2006 p.8: ?Employment Guarantee Scheme bound to fail?.
DV Edit Dec.1, 2005: ?DV extents caste identity to Economic planning?.
India gets isolated ? OUR CORRESPONDENT
Bangalore: Quietly China is becoming a world leader with its newly acquired ?space power?. But India?s rulers are loudly announcing that they have become the tail of the sinking America. Chinese President Hu again visited Africa and publicly embraced its Black leaders during his latest 8-nation 12-day trip assuring them ample economic aid.
South Africa headed by Thabo Mbeki has taken over the leadership of the rising African continent. China, Russia, South Africa are uniting in a big way against the hegemony of the West even as India is becoming a stooge of the West distrusted by all the Muslim and South American countries. ?Hindu India? is hated by even the ?world?s only Hindu nation?, Nepal.
With chaos on the economic front and friendless on the foreign front, Brahminical rulers are converting India into a failed state.
Muslim deprivation
Abu Saleh Sheriff, chief economist at the National Council of Applied Research and the member-secretary of Sachar Committee on Muslims, says: Please bear in mind that what we have stated boldly is what we recorded in the course of our daily meetings and mass contact. As a community, Muslims feel deprivation at all levels and in all spheres. Add to this the Muslim stereotype ? they are pro-Pakistan, unpatriotic, they are all terrorists, and so on. Post the train blasts in Mumbai, the administration created a fear psychosis around the Muslim factor. Muslim majority slums were raided and Muslim children were rounded up. Many of the myths about Muslim disloyalty go back to partition. The question thrown at them was: why didn?t you go to Pakistan?
?(Hindu, Jan.6, 2007)
Delhi?s lack of culture
New Delhi: A survey spread over three years has confirmed the long-suspected lack of urbaneness among Delhites. The survey found that many of the denizens excel in spitting, littering, misbehaving with women and using abusive language. The survey on human behaviour in public places, conducted by students of the anthropology department of Delhi University, also found that encroachment on roads and other public land was normal in most of the posh market areas in the capital.
?(Asian Age, Jan.16, 2007).
Plight of sweepers
Bangalore: ?My hands are full of boils from handling nauseating waste, and when I go home in the evenings I do not feel like eating?, said Kalyanamma, working for a private garbage contractor. Toiling for nine hours from 6.30 am she gets a meagre salary of Rs. 1,400 a month. When she recently fell ill with chikungunya, Kalyanamma continued to work. Her fear: she might lose her job if she took leave.
?(Hindu, Jan.17, 2007)
Child health neglected
New Delhi: The immunisation status under Integrated Child Development Service continues to be poor. As for the coverage status, about 11 crore children, out of a total of 16 crore in the 0-6 age group, remained unreached. These are startling figures and the situation calls for urgent action, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said.
?(Hindu, Jan.17, 2007)
11:00:10 AM
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