Friday, September 28, 2007


Friday, September 15, 2006
Why Koran says all idiolators should be slained.? does that include todays hindus also? why they are so protected from outside thoughts? why they are afraid of their priests? more over why they fear God insted of loving him?Because this teaching was necessary at that period of time because men in that area more like animals than man. They had to be uplifted from that level to a little bit civilised animals to live along with the most prominant cultures of that time which included India.So it doesnt mean that all should follow teachings of Koran. In India people are unknowingly leading a life dipped in spirituality which is spread all across the country which acted as an invsible connecting thread between the different coultures of this country.Thus preserving the teachings of vedas for thousands of years.If not what do think about the power which holded together this nation for milleniums.
For a man who lives in a higher level of spirituality, the teachings meant for a lower level is totally unnecessary. I am not a hindu extremist or an arrogant hindu. But i am speaking the truth which is conveniently not spoken because of fear or politis.
In Indian culture spiritual books are divided into two types.
Smruthis are books containing spiritual information for only a period of time and is meant for people who live in a particular area.It will be dealing with problems and situations of that particular sect of people.If it is applied to another set of people who live in a different place in the same time it may not be of great help to raise them to a higher level of spirituality.
Shrutis are books of knowledge which can be applied to any set of people at any time any where in the world. It deals mainly with improving ones spiritual powers and understanding.It may not be an easy task to follow it accuratly,but if follwed it will defenetly give result to the follower.It will raise him or her to what ever level of spirituality.
If we consider Koran it is meant for a particular time period in Middle East when people were living in utmost chaoes and ignorence.They were more animals than men.
Mohammed was given the knowledge of Koran and he started a new religion which prophesed a much more disciplined life.At that time people were good at doing business and it was the main way of living.
So if we notice we can see lot of mentions about doing good business and how to be a honest businessman.Lot of knowledge was talked in a way which can be understood by a common man who followed a life style of that time
.As countries and cultures were not connected at that time it needed special care to make the teachings acceptable to people of that particular intelligence level. For example Koran says that if god bless man he will be given power to do business through out the year , in heat and cold as well.If we consider hinduism , it is a well known and accepted fact that people who follow thier Sadhana or spiritual practices seriously will attain Sidhis or supernatural abilities which will make them free from sensations of heat and cold.This fact was described in Koran in a way which was understandable to men of limited exposure to other customs cultures and teachings.
It asked materialistic people to donate a percentage of their earning to the poor because such actions were rare among the people at that time.
It even told to Kill /Slaine all the idolators,which was mistook by its followers in a later time.It said so because at that time there were private gods created by the rich and powerful inorder to lute the poor and people used to manipulate everythingwith the help of these private gods.Clans were formed after such kinds of gods and wars were frequent.They were so ignorent ,that they never were able to correct themselves.So the only way to avoid their offensive actions were offense itself. And more imortantly ,people who follwed Mohammed and coverted to Muslims were peace lovers and they feared fighting. Koran made them fight for their survival.
They were shown the mightly powers of Allah when a small no.of them fought a big professional army of powerful enemies. The war was won by muslims and that boosted their confidence.
Nothing mentioned in Koran cannot be said as against god.But we have to understand the it was ment for people of that time mostly.People may say that Koran is full of other things that can be used in this period of time too.But see if the verse'slain all the idolators' is being obeyed by all muslims today.They will have to kill 1/3rd of the earth population.
As we take not of actions of Mohammed , we can understand that the confidence somewhere became overconfidence in him, which later on poured to all muslims fanatics throught out the world. He , later on insisted to fight a war which was easily avoided by staying inside his fort.All the older ones suggested that they need not fight it.but Mohammed insisted that Allah helped them before and will help them now too.Here we can see how he understood the Power of God. In the first time the war was necessary and if they wont win they would have been eliminated.N situations like this throughout history God had helped the poor and needy,like Moses ,Kuchela,Pandavas etc etc. But an intelligent person who understand God will never try to do offense n the name of God.
Actually from this historical blunder Mohammed himself started offense against people what he thought was needed.And fanatic muslims are continuing that practice.But they dont realise that in that fatal war Mohammed was badly wounded which lead to his death later on.
This will happen to them also. This is Gods law.It is written clearly in Koran that ;if one kills a man it is like killing all the people of earth; Why dont they read these sentenceses? i wonder.
In Koran it is written that in the end of time everything will be taken back by god as one unit. This is clearly an indication of the ultimate truth of creation and the building units of everything is the same,which even science cannot deny now.We have to have knowledge about all religions and thoughts . Then only we will be able to compare them and find out a greater meaning which will usually hidden inside these kind of books, which is the real meaning.See what Jesus had said.'perls should not be thrown among pigs' where he ment knowledge should not be given to people who dont deserve it.
Once he was questioned as usual by his enemies on why they cannot have five wives when old testament allowed them five wives. The answer of Jesus is Very imprtant in the above said aspect, He said' it was said so because of the hard ness of your hearts' . This indicated how knowledge is given to man.It is given to men who can digest it.Others who dont understand it may mock it.
To receive divine knowledge preparation of mind and body is necessary.This is a major teaching of Vedas in India.If a man's mind and body is not prepared to receive knowledge he or she may misinterpret it and do lot of unwanted things which they think is correct. For example Mohammed after meditation in a remote place understood the power of silence and detatchment. So he brought a new set of rules among Muslims . He insisted that muslims should move away from entertaining their senses.So he asked them to move away from dance,drama,music etc which is practiced even now by hard core Muslims.This is right in case of a man or woman who is taken the spirituality as their destination and salvation their aim. But for a common man this is dangerous.Without these relaxation methods his mind can become insensitive and dry and will do the opposite to what Mohammed had intended.
As i have heard and understood ,Mohammed is the best example of a man who got divine knowledge without proper prepareaton of body and mind.
In Indian culture there are several methods to detoxify ones body and mind so that enables one to receive devinity. this has been mentioned as Yoga which means joing with the almighty.But if one does not practice it as per rules he or she cannot comment on these methods.I suggest all Indian people should try these methods irrespective of religion or cast.Any way Indians are Indians.All Indian knowledge is for them and for the world.There is nothing like only for Hindus or nothing means that Indian is hindu.India is for knowldege. If you cannot get it from India , there is no use in living in it.
Koran entertains accepting other religions.It says that nothing takes place whithout the knowledge of it tells that all religions are made by God.
6:34:22 PM
Posted By chith aravind Comments (22) Society
lalit Friday, September 15, 2006 7:04:45 PM
ab humko unka chit shuddi karne ka hi kaam hai
jj Friday, September 15, 2006 10:59:17 PM
religion is the life and soul of india. Take away the hindu religion and there will be no india leftlook at hinduism. The very embodiment of variety. where life is a celebration. so many cusines, so many gods, so many holy places, so many holy books, so many dance forms, so many forms of music, so many ways to reach god, So many festivalsHinduism is similar to the rainbowIf a dog looks at the rainbow and barks at its sheer variety and criticizes it in the name of idolatory and other thingswe shouldnt bother. Because that is all the dog knows
raj1057 Thursday, September 21, 2006 3:34:43 PM
Hi chith aravind, a very good and honest attempt to understand the different times and surroundings during which religious thoughts and principles emerged. The fact of the matter is no religion advocates violence as the means to the end. Even in hinduism killing is allowed, only when all attempts of reason has failed and to uphold righteousnous. (Dharma). Defenitely not in the name of Jehad. I only hope our staunch muslim brethern ( iam talking about the indian muslim)realise this and learn to live in peace and harmony with thier hindu counterparts. Congrats once again for a very nice article.
q Friday, September 22, 2006 8:56:11 PM
Shahul Wednesday, September 27, 2006 11:35:24 AM
Hi chith aravind... The article was very nice. I totally agree with you to some extend. You have explained that all religion made/created by god. But, religion does not depends on the region. It is for all HUMAN KIND in the EARTH. So, you cannot say that indians should follow Hindu and Arabs should follow Islam.Purity of Gold is not verified by calling it by different names in different languages but rubbing it against a Touchstone. In the same way, gold can be called sona in Hindi, gold in English, dhahaba in Arabic. Inspite of knowing all these different names for gold, if a person wants to sell you his gold jewellery and says this is 24 carat pure sona, you will not blindly believe, without verifying it with a goldsmith. The goldsmith confirms whether it is gold or not with the help of a touchstone. The yellow glittering jewellery may not be gold, because all that glitters is not gold.
Guru Friday, December 15, 2006 12:03:16 PM
Hello Chith Arvind...This is again mis-understood. Quraan never says kills idol worshipper..It has been always taken out of context.If it says so then....The Muslims ruled India for about a thousand years. If Quran mentioned kills idol worshipper then there would have no non-muslim in India today.All these non-Muslim Indians are bearing witness today that Quraan doesnt say Kills idol worshipper.14 million Arabs are Coptic Christians. Muslims were the lords of Arabia for 1400 years. If Quraan orders to kill Idol worshipper then how these 14 million catholic christians are Arabs
yash Thursday, December 28, 2006 6:14:23 PM
The religion themselves are not wrong...but the followers are. In every religion there are bad guys. But its really unfortunate that one particular religion has too many of them and they are causing all these problem....
AJMAL RASHID Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:38:40 AM
We know that America was once at war with Vietnam. Suppose the President of America or the General of the American Army told the American soldiers during the war: "Wherever you find the Vietnamese, kill them". Today if I say that the American President said, "Wherever you find Vietnamese, kill them" without giving the context, I will make him sound like a butcher. But if I quote him in context, that he said it during a war, it will sound very logical, as he was trying to boost the morale of the American soldiers during the war.
AJMAL RASHID Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:39:57 AM
4. Verse 9:5 quoted to boost morale of Muslims during battleSimilarly in Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 5 the Qur’an says, "Kill the Mushriqs where ever you find them", during a battle to boost the morale of the Muslim soldiers. What the Qur’an is telling Muslim soldiers is, don’t be afraid during battle; wherever you find the enemies kill them.5. Shourie jumps from verse 5 to verse 7Arun Shourie is one of the staunchest critics of Islam in India. He quotes the same verse, Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 5 in his book ‘The World of Fatwahs’, on page 572. After quoting verse 5 he jumps to verse 7 of Surah Taubah. Any sensible person will realise that he has skipped verse 6.
AJMAL RASHID Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:41:41 AM
6. Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 6 gives the answer Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 6 gives the answer to the allegation that Islam promotes violence, brutality and bloodshed. It says:"If one amongst the pagans ask thee for asylum,grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah; and then escort him to where he can be secure that is because they are men without knowledge."[Al-Qur’an 9:6]The Qur’an not only says that a Mushriq seeking asylum during the battle should be granted refuge, but also that he should be escorted to a secure place. In the present international scenario, even a kind, peace-loving army General, during a battle, may let the enemy soldiers go free, if they want peace. But which army General will ever tell his soldiers, that if the enemy soldiers want peace during a battle, don’t just let them go free, but also escort them to a place of security? This is exactly what Allah (swt) says in the Glorious Qur’an to promote peace in the world.
AJMAL RASHID Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:42:55 AM
I AM AJMAL RASHID.A DISCIPLE OF DR. ZAKIR NAIK.I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD QURAAN VERY WELL.WHAT U ARE TALKING ABOUT IS THE VERSE OF SURAH TAUBA."Kill the mushriqeen (pagans, polytheists, kuffar) where ever you find them."[Al-Qur’an 9:5]2. Context of verse is during battlefieldCritics of Islam actually quote this verse out of context. In order to understand the context, we need to read from verse 1 of this surah. It says that there was a peace treaty between the Muslims and the Mushriqs (pagans) of Makkah. This treaty was violated by the Mushriqs of Makkah. A period of four months was given to the Mushriqs of Makkah to make amends. Otherwise war would be declared against them. Verse 5 of Surah Taubah says:"But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is oft-forgiving, Most merciful."[Al-Qur’an 9:5]This verse is quoted during a battle.
AJMAL RASHID Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:56:43 AM
AJMAL RASHID Sunday, January 28, 2007 12:00:49 PM
chith1890 Monday, April 16, 2007 2:49:13 PM
asdf asdf
chith1890 Monday, April 16, 2007 2:55:12 PM
Dear Ajmal rashid,I can understand your frustration and rage.I agree with you regarding what is written about violence. That is why i say that for a new and calm world the teachings are not necessary if it is not interpreted by intelligent people. The reason you can see around you.All the wars and terrorism and killings has connection with the name Muslim.You cannot deny it.if so you are not a person worth talking to.Try to open up and see
Irshad4u Monday, April 16, 2007 2:55:39 PM
Very Well Said Ajmal
chith1890 Monday, April 16, 2007 2:56:28 PM
Dear Ajmal rashid,I can understand your frustration and rage.I agree with you regarding what is written about violence. That is why i say that for a new and calm world the teachings are not necessary if it is not interpreted by intelligent people.
chith1890 Monday, April 16, 2007 2:59:42 PM
Dear Ajmal rashid,I can understand your frustration and rage.I agree with you regarding what is written about violence. That is why i say that for a new and calm world the teachings are not necessary if it is not interpreted by intelligent people. The reason you can see around you.All the wars and terrorism and killings has connection with the name Muslim.You cannot deny it.if so you are not a person worth talking to.Try to open up and see that there are different paths to god.For people like me there is nothing which is helpful in Islam to make my mind evolve to god.But modern physics like theory of relativity and the mysicism of Budhists and vedas give me lot of space and hope.It is again your lack of understanding about vedas and cast system make you think that work is the basis of division. in the modern world you can see this division everywhere.those who are aiming to purify their minds and body are brahmins of course. if you restrain from meat eating and meditation for long periods and live according to the instructions of veda you will also become brahmin.but hindus also misinterpreted it and priests used it to take advantage for themselves. But thank god they didnt ask anyone to fight holywar and kill innocents. Even n Muslims this cast system is evident.According to todays muslims Arabs of saudi are higher than others .Indian muslims are not even considered as muslims.there is shiya sunni.Sufism the only real path with a depth is really ignored.
Irshad4u Monday, April 16, 2007 3:27:08 PM
To chith1890 "If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think."Irshad
chith1890 Monday, April 16, 2007 4:12:06 PM
Dear Ajmal rashid,I can understand your frustration and rage.I agree with you regarding what is written about violence. That is why i say that for a new and calm world the teachings are not necessary if it is not interpreted by intelligent people.
chith1890 Monday, April 16, 2007 4:19:48 PM
I am absolutly sure of how to get rewarded mr isshad.And i dont fear god like you people do. and i dont need the heaven that you are hoping for.I am free and you dont understand that freedom. Dont live life only for rewards. there is a life and deep thoughts of sciece and culture other than you know which practices what it propheces. Which teaches to love all and love the nature and respect the living and the dead because ther is no dead matter in this universe.But people who live like any other animal in the world wont understnad it .Excuse me brother..pls try to broaden your minds.I know it is impossible for you to understand me.But for the wise this will benefit.
MKB Monday, September 3, 2007 6:55:56 PM
Arre bhai, 101 times yeh discussion has been held on this nonsense ndtv blogsite, now u r starting again? Please take a poopcee and do something else

Sunday, September 23, 2007

BJP is for strong, self-respecting India: text of Advani's speech

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Following is LK Advani's speech at National Executive Meeting of BJP in Bhopal
Friends, India is at a crossroads. However, no astrologer is needed to predict the direction in which it is set to move. The direction is: early Lok Sabha elections. How early, is now the only question that remains unanswered.The answer to that question depends on how the Congress party, which heads the UPA government, proposes to deal with two destabilizing forces that have emerged within the ruling coalition.The first is the group of four Left parties, whose outside support is oxygen for the survival of the government. The second is the DMK, whose leader has conducted himself in so unbecoming a manner in the Ram Sethu matter that it has truly no parallel in the history of Indian democracy.It is said that, sometimes, a week is too long a period in politics. If we see the political developments in the past few weeks, their combined effect has so completely debilitated the government that it is accurate to say that there is no functioning government at present in Delhi. The entire government machinery is in a state of paralysis due to uncertainty created by the UPA self-destabilisation.This situation prompts the people to draw an inevitable conclusion: A government that does not function when it is in office, a government that cannot complete its term due to its own internal problems, and a government that has betrayed all the promises it made to the aam aadmi and the kisan, has no right to seek a renewed mandate whenever elections are held.The people of India are waiting eagerly for the BJP to lift the country, once again, from the morass created by the Congress party. We have a national duty to rise to the occasion. I am sure that the message from Bhopal will be such as will bring hope and confidence not only to our own supporters but also to the people at large.Three Destabilizing ForcesI mentioned that there are two destabilizing forces in the ruling coalition. As a matter of fact, there is also a third one ― and that is the Congress itself. The instability that has arisen at the Centre is primarily because of the Congress party.Firstly, the government became unstable because of the inflexible, indefensible and undemocratic stand taken by the Congress with regard to the Indo-US nuclear cooperation deal. Far from taking the nation into confidence and Parliament into confidence on an issue as vital as this, the leadership of the Congress party or the government could not even convince their own key allies.And, yet, the government seems hell-bent on going ahead with the nuclear deal. This is simply unacceptable. Everybody knows that the government has no mandate in Parliament to operationalise a deal that has been opposed by (a) the BJP and our allies in the NDA; (b) parties in the UNPA; and (c) the Left parties.The Congress leadership wants to go ahead with the deal since it does not believe in democracy and has no commitment to coalition dharma either. It knows that the government could fall because of its stand-off with the Left parties. It is sticking to its stand on the nuclear deal in spite of this knowledge, in the hope that it would emerge victorious with a larger strength in the Lok Sabha.This shows that the Congress has never truly believed in the needs of the coalition era. It still believes that it alone has the right to rule the country. Which is why, it ran the UPA government as if it was its own government, even though it had won less than 150 seats in the Lok Sabha. This is in complete contrast to the philosophy that guided, and the style that marked, the way Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee led the NDA government.Which is why, I have described the Congress party also as a destabilizing force in the UPA government. We know how in the past it has destabilized almost every non-Congress government at the Centre, including those governments that it had pledged to support “unconditionally” for five years.Expose Congress falsehood on the nuclear dealNow, it is indulging in the dangerous game of self-destabilisation of the UPA government, put the blame for it on others, and then try to seek a mandate from the people on the basis of a lie ― namely, that the Congress alone wants India’s development, that it alone is committed to India’s energy security, and all others are creating hurdles in the way by opposing the nuclear deal.Friends, the BJP must firmly counter this false, mischievous and self-serving propaganda. Our party is not opposed to India ’s energy security. How can we be, when we are wedded to the goal of making India a Developed Nation, with accelerated economic growth that benefits one and all? We should tell the people how the Congress party is compromising India ’s National Security by doggedly pursing a flawed and unequal ‘Energy Security’ deal with the United States.We should educate the people on how the Congress leadership wants to undo the gains of Pokharan II by effectively agreeing to roll back and, ultimately, eliminate India ’s nuclear capability.The entire nation had felt proud when the Vajpayee government conducted nuclear tests in May 1998. India ’s stature had risen immensely because of that courageous decision, taken in the teeth of opposition from Big Powers.We were the only party, right since our Jana Sangh days, to demand that India become a nuclear weapons state. We had supported Indira Gandhi at the time of Pokharan I in 1974.BJP is for a strong and self-respecting India ;Congress is for a weak and subservient IndiaIn contrast, both Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Dr. Manmohan Singh opposed Pokharan II.No wonder, they have succumbed to the US pressure to make India accept the NPT through the backdoor, even though every Indian Prime Minister from Indira Gandhi to Atal Bihari Vajpayee had refused to sign this discriminatory treaty.A proud and self-respecting nation like India should never accept such infringement of our sovereignty. India is not like Pakistan, which has mortgaged its sovereignty to America.The common man may not fully understand the technicalities of the nuclear deal ― the 123 agreement, the Hyde Act, etc. Nevertheless, the BJP should go on the offensive by telling our patriotic people ― for even ordinary Indians understand the language of patriotism ― that the Congress wants to weaken India’s security and sovereignty whereas the BJP wants to protect and further strengthen them. * The BJP wants friendly relations with America ― but on equal terms. * The BJP wants to catch the Nuclear Energy Bus ― but without getting off from the Nuclear Weapons Bus. * The BJP wants India to soon become a Major Global Power as one of the poles of a Multi-Polar World.In contrast, * The Congress is willing to accept ties with America on unequal terms. * The Congress is willing to get down the Nuclear Weapons Bus to accept a seat on the Nuclear Energy Bus as a favour from Big Power. * The Congress wants India to become a subordinate power in an essentially Unipolar World.A govt that denies Ram’s existence has no right to existFriends, the Congress party has destabilized the UPA government also by its blunder in the Ram Sethu issue. It was not an innocent blunder. Rather, it was the natural outcome of a systematic perversion of ‘secularism that the Congress leadership has been carrying out, in its tirade against the BJP. Although Dr. Karunanidhi’s remarks have added fuel to the fire, the question is: Who started the fire? Who was responsible for directing its counsel in the Ram Setu case to file the blasphemous affidavit in the Supreme Court?The Congress leadership withdrew the affidavit only because of the spirited protest registered by the BJP and many other organizations. But this does not constitute sufficient amends. Both the Prime Minister and the UPA Chairman owe an apology to the nation for this affidavit. Why hasn’t responsibility been fixed on the culture and law ministers?Our Party should now take the message of all that has happened in the Ram Sethu matter to every nook and corner of our country.The people will surely teach these pseudo-secularists a proper lesson.Aam aadmi and kisans will teach the govt a lessonThe country has seen a number of Lok Sabha elections in the past which have been practically single issue elections.The 1977 election was one which was decided just by the voters' answer to one question: what do you think of the Emergency?A series of succeeding elections were decided by the following key issues :1980 : Janata Party's infighting1984 : Smt. Gandhi's assassinatio1989 : Bofors ScandalAll the Lok Sabha elections, that followed Tenth General Election of 1991, the Eleventh of 1996, the Twelfth of 1998 were influenced by the Ayodhya issue.The NDA Government of 1998 did not last long but that brief tenure of 13 th months saw Pokharan II and a credible promise of a Development oriented Good Government. In 1999 therefore NDA got a renewed mandate.The UPA Government assumed office in 2004. The victory was won in the name of the Aam Aadmi.The Aam Aadmi today feels extremely betrayed – particularly because of the prices of all essential commodities.But prices aren't going to be the only issue on which the UPA Government would be in the dock in the impending Lok Sabha election. Unlike in earlier elections, the Fifteenth Elections are going to be a multiple-issue election. To mention a few : 1. Farmers Suicides 2. Dismal failure on the Internal Security front : Repeal of POTA ; Afzal and Madani cases; Massive infiltration from Bangladesh; Serious Naxalite problem. 3. Ram Setu 4. Nuclear Agreement 5. Corruption e.g. Quattrocchi 6. Devaluation of PM's office 7. To all the above issues the opportunistic nature of the UPA has made Stability a vital question. If NDA was a model alliance, the UPA has been a model of what an alliance should not be like. With such a huge majority of UPA Government seems about to go in less than four years. These are the wages of opportunism. 8. Government's failure to conduct foreign policy in a manner as to prevent the rise of anti-India forces in neighbouring countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.Govt’s failure to fight terrorism is self-willedThat the government has no clear policy to fight terrorism is absolutely clear. When the Prime Minister, under foreign pressure, announces India ’s willingness to have a joint anti-terror mechanism with Pakistan , no further proof of its muddled thinking is needed.But the UPA government’s culpability is greater than what is indicated by lack of clarity. Our charge is that it has no will to counter terrorism with a firm hand because of its misplaced fear of losing minority votes.Has the UPA government succeeded in cracking, and punishing the guilty in, even a single instance of terrorist attack in the last three years? Ayodhya, Varanasi , Delhi , Bangalore , Manipur, Mumbai, Malegaon , Hyderabad ….why hasn’t the investigation in a single case reached the trial stage, not to speak of conviction?The UPA’s politics of minorityism has become a major hurdle in India’s fight against terrorism. I charge the government with communalizing India’s campaign against terrorism.I must also mention here the failure of the Congress-led government at the Centre and the Congress government in Assam to tackle the menace of ULFA terrorists, who are systematically targeting Hindi-speaking people in the state? Isn’t this linked to the larger foreign-inspired conspiracy to change the demography of Assam through infiltration from Bangladesh ?A government that has betrayed the aam aadmi, a government that has failed on the internal security front, a government that has no concern for India’s national unity, a government that is determined to undo India’s nuclear capability, and a government whose ministers are neck-deep in corruption, has no right to continue in office.I have no doubt that the people will vote it out in the next elections.From Bhopal to battlefront: With unity, determination and disciplineFriends, as I said earlier, the people are once again looking to the BJP and the NDA to lead India out of these multiple crises and problems. The people want a change.The question is: Are we ready to fulfill people’s expectations?The Bhopal meeting of the National Executive has given a clear answer: Yes, the BJP is ready.If I look back, I can say without any hesitation that it is in Bhopal that our Party has left the after-effects of the 2004 elections fully and firmly behind.In this sense, the BJP in September 2007 is now closer to March 1998 and September-October 1999.In the weeks ahead, together with our present and additional allies in the NDA, we shall present ourselves to the people as a clear, capable and reliable alternative to the UPA in the elections, whenever they are held.In short, from Bhopal all of us go back to begin work on the coming electoral battle. With unity, determination and discipline, which, traditionally, have been the hallmarks of our party.* * * * * *Before I conclude I would like to note that this is perhaps the first meeting of the party's National Executive that Atalji has had to miss because of his health. All of us naturally feel distressed about this.I would like to mention that two days immediately before the commencement of this meeting I was in Tamilnadu. I came back to Delhi on September 20 evening. Shortly after my return I called on Atalji to enquire about his health. He told me then that doctors had advised him to skip Bhopal and take some rest. However, I was very happy to find that his health had improved considerably since I had last met him. I therefore felt gratified when Rajnathji showed me Atalji's own message saying that before long he would be in our midst. Let us all pray that this happens very soon and he continues to lead and guide us as in the past.