Saturday, August 18, 2007

Slim overtakes Bill Gates: Racial Caste-ism in Mexico

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Smoker Sanjay Dutt finds world’s cigar puffing Richest Carlos Slim. In Mexico, white conquistadors interbred with Amerindian women to produce mestizos. At present such mestizos 77%, White 10%, Indigenous Amerindians 1% and others are 12% in Mexico. They conquered indigenous Amerindians of Mexico by Jared Diamond (Guns, Germs & Steel: The Fates of Human Societies) through divide and rule policy. What is going on in India?

First conqueror of Latin America was Spain. This should not be the guideline to marry with Spanish origin girl. Catholicism came from Italy in the Latin America and other European countries. This should not mean our groom should be from Italy or should be Christian. There should be a break on this tendency.

America and European countries are importing our brains. We are leading world in IT field. Are Sunita Williams, Kalpana Chawla, Aishwarya and others not blonde? What should be called blind to the followers of Nehru Gandhi dynasty?
So why do brides or grooms follow Gandhis?

As per BBC survey UK’s Indians want to marry with Indians. We should judge the behavior of Hindus who marriage with Non-Hindus or Non-Indians. Heirs of the converted Hindus are more aggressive against Hindus than others. Inter caste marriages are essential to discourage inter religion or inter racial marriages for the sake of Indian culture and unity of India.
Inter caste marriages should be encourages to boycott marriages among religions and races.

Who is untouchable caste? Is minority-ism not oxygen for the minority government? Is ‘secular and non-secular’ equal to European racism of white and black skin?
Has political class not become the untouchable caste instead of SC/ST?

Smoker Sanjay finds Cigar puffing Carlos Slim
Bollywood Super Star Sanjay Dutt can now smoke cigarette in the prison. He luckily finds Slim. The cigar-puffing Mr Slim of Mexico, 67, is worth US $59 billion against the Gates’s worth $58, according to Fortune magazine, Passes Bill Gates to Be World's Richest.

I don't care if I'm richest in world: Mexico's Slim
"I don't know if I'm No 1, No 20, or No 2000. It doesn't matter," said the cigar-smoking Slim.

The son of Christian immigrants from Lebanon, Slim learned financial acumen from his father, Julian Slim Haddad, who ran a store in the heart of Mexico City.

Many Mexicans hoped privatization, which began in the early 1990s, would create competition and drive prices down drastically. That hasn't happened. The 67-year-old Slim is one of a dozen fat cats in Mexico who impede that country's growth because they run monopolies or oligopolies," George Grayson, professor of government at the College of William & Mary, told Fortune. "The Mexican economy is highly inefficient, and it is losing its competitive standing vis-à-vis other countries because of people like Slim."

"He made his billions because of an extremely close and advantageous relationship with the Salinas government," says professor Grayson of William & Mary. More recently Slim has been pragmatically investing in multiple parties, a common practice among Mexico's oligarchs.

Slim instructed to the executives of his companies "Maintain austerity in prosperous times (in times when the cow is fat with milk); it accelerates corporate development and avoids the need for drastic change in times of crisis."

Slim explained his life's work: "Many people want to leave a better world for their children," he told the crowd. "I'm trying to leave better children for my world."

Slim, 67, told foreign journalists at a luncheon on recently that making sure his job was compatible with his family or personal life was more important than his wealth.

Perhaps taking a page out of the Gates playbook, Slim has been working to improve his public image lately.

Imagine a conquistador (Conqueror) and his Amerindian woman have two sons in the 1520s. Amerindians are often referred to as Native Americans, First Nations, Amerindians, or (ambiguously) Indians (Not of India).

These two mestizo brothers grow up and go out in the world to seek their fortunes.

One is smarter, and he strikes it rich: The rich son has a wide variety of potential wives to choose from. Like most men, and like almost all Mexican men, he is more attracted to blonde women (very fair complexion, with light hair and light blue eyes), and thus marries one.
The other wasn't so lucky in the genetic lottery, and he becomes poor: Impoverished brother, in contrast, cannot attract a blonde wife. So he marries an Amerindian girl.
Then, the brothers have children: On average, the smarter, richer brother's kids, who are 3/4 white, are smarter than their underprivileged 1/4 white cousins. They're smarter not because they are whiter, but because their father had more smartness genes than their uncle.

This trend continues: in both families, the smartest, most energetic, and most ruthless sons marry the blondest wives, while the blondest daughters marry the husbands with the most Right Stuff. Repeat for another dozen and a half generations. By 2000, this pattern could lead to the most European-looking people being the most naturally formidable, even if they weren't when they arrived in 1519.

Continuous Massive turmoil in Mexico
Now, in Mexico every century or so, there is a massive upheaval like the Revolution of 1910. The white monopoly is fractured. Up through the cracks come the most talented mestizos and Amerindians. They start dynasties that persist to this day … but their grandsons and great-grandsons are notably whiter than they were, since the men of the family have been exploiting their social ascendancy to marry white women.

The ruling class today is not restricted solely to the legitimate heirs of the current magnate Tycoon, Mogul, business or industrial person, however.

Mexico's "technocrat" trend
It continues to recruit smart young men from the lower orders. For example, President Ernesto Zedillo, who has a doctorate from Yale in economics, is from a quite poor background. Yet, he looks pure white.
His mother was a medical student who dropped out for obscure reasons. President Zedillo is the classic manifestation of Mexico's "technocrat" trend.
Whites have also dominated even Leftist guerilla movements, such as the example of Subcommandante Marcos.

Racial Classifications in Latin America
In the history of Latin America over the last 500 years or so, the relationships among three races have been a key factor. In the beginning, there were the various indigenous groups. Then came the European colonizers, who later brought black slaves from Africa. The relationships among these racial groups have at times been tumultuous --- war, slaughter, subjugation, slavery, exploitation, miscegenation, ...

The administration of the vast colonies was placed in the hands of nationals of the European empires. These administrators were rewarded estates for their efforts, and naturally inheritance rights became a significant issue. As a male may have multiple children with multiple women, the rights of these apparent heirs have to be defined, particularly when some of the mothers were not pure Europeans. Under Spanish rule, the following detailed caste system was instituted in Mexico at one time.

Mestizo: Spanish father and Amerindian mother
Castizo: Spanish father and Mestizo mother
Espomolo: Spanish mother and Castizo father
Mulatto: Spanish and black African
Moor: Spanish and Mulatto
Albino: Spanish father and Moor mother
Throwback: Spanish father and Albino mother
Wolf: Throwback father and Indian mother
Zambiago: Wolf father and Amerindian mother
Cambujo: Zambiago father and Amerindian mother
Alvarazado: Cambujo father and Mulatto mother
Borquino: Alvarazado father and Mulatto mother
Coyote: Borquino father and Mulatto mother
Chamizo: Coyote father and Mulatto mother
Coyote-Mestizo: Cahmizo father and Mestizo mother
Ahi Tan Estas: Coyote-Mestizo father and Mulatto mother

Today, the overt caste systems have been overturned by legislation, but that does not mean that social prejudices and economic exploitation are not present. Even though overt racial oppression is no longer permissible by law, people may still hold personal opinions about members of other races based upon preconceived notions.
By Premendra Agrawal
Please sign on the petition to save Ram Sethuby visiting at:

Few comments among many on Inter caste marriages vs. inter religion or racial marriages:
(1) My name is Sumant
and I am male/23. I got to read the following article from you about
inter-cast marriages. I want to thank you for throwing some light on
this important social topic.I strongly support your views that we should
encourage inter-cast marriages amongst Hindus. Also, you are very right
about the marriages between Muslims and non-muslims. It is always a
problem for the non-muslim person. I have heard there is some muslim
organization in U.P. which gives a prize money of Rs.100000/-, to the
muslim boys, if they marry a hindu girl. It is their way to end the
hindus in one way. Is this right?? I thank you again and
wish to have such articles from you in future as well.

My dear Premendra ji,
You have taken up this crusade and you are definitely doing a good service by providing information. AS regards the ICM, you are right about JInnah, Iqbal and others. I may correct you about Bhutto that ZA bhutto was the son of Nawab of Junagarh by a Hindu concubine. The lady later on settled in Pune and lived there till death. The nawab had so many ladies in his harem and ZA was borne to one of them. Such children were given the fatherhood of some one who used to serve the nawabs and kings.

It is well known fact that he had inherited some property in Mumbai which came into the control of custodian. He was fighting to get back and trying to become Indian citizen also till 1956. In 1956 all of a sudden he was given the option of becoming Minister of Commerce in Pakistan Govt if he choses to give Indian citizenship and adopt Pakistani citizenship. He foresaw the future Prime Ministership for himself in that offer and accepted it.Bitten by that bug, he even abused his own forefathers in UNO assembly by calling them Indian dogs.

Secondly regarding the conversion, it is imperative in Islam that if a non muslim marries with a muslim boy or girl, he/she has to convert into Islam. Otherwise the marriage would be illegal.

It is also a fact that when Nadir Shah invaded India, he brought a small number of people and later it was due to conversion only that Muslim population increased like any thing. Then there was least attempt form the side of native Hindus to resist the Islamic rule during Mughal period. If it was Rana Pratap and persons like him, they fought and resisted for their own kingdom -Mewar etc. Nobody fought for the unity of the country. We Hindus take pride in our pre-historic culture or philosophy but hardly show any sign of unity and fighting togather.

Today also we are fighting among ourselves in the garb of different political parties. Nobody thinks in the larger interests of the country....whether it is BJP, Congress or leftist. Future seems bleak.We can only pray God save the country.....BNG
B N Goyal

Regards and thanks
Your observation holds good.............
Shailesh Kumar Shukla

You have an excellent collection of data and quotations on the subject. Yes, I agree very much with you that intercast marriages must be encouraged. I would like to put it in a little different manner. HINDU MUST MARRY HINDU. HINDU MUST MAKE HIS COUNTERPART AFTER MARRIAGE. We need not even mention the word CAST OR INTERCAST.
Mukund Hambarde

7:01:09 PM
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