Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Learn to rise - 4

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
There is an olden saying, "nange aaye they, nange loatenge" (we came into this world naked, we shall return naked). People look at this saying from a superficial level and think that it implies that when human beings are born, they come naked, i.e. without any dress, from the mother's womb and when they die, they shall be buried or burnt and thus go back without dress.
That a child is born without dress and a man or woman is burnt or buried when dead is such a common and visible thing that it doesn't require a doctor, scientist, poet or philosopher to talk about coming naked and going naked.
Actually the word "nange" is to be split into "na" (without) and "ange" (limbs, organs) to understand that when humans come into this world, they come without limbs and organs. After all, limbs and organs, collectively implying the human body are made of the five elements of nature, which are very much present on planet earth, i.e. our world. So what is that which comes into this world without body? It is the soul, athma, the life energy, the light of life which comes from the soul world!
There are millions who will not understand or agree to the concept of soul. The ignorance of many doesn't make a fact a lie. There is a film song in a movie starring the late MGR (icon of Tamil masses) which says, "aayiram kaigal maraithu nindralum aadhavan maraivadhillai!" (a thousand hands cannot hide the sun). A million or billion non-believers in the existence of soul, its entry into and exit from physical bodies of humans (which are in fact commonly referred to as birth and death) cannot wish away the fact of existence of souls.
Let us reverse history by first understanding and believing ourselves to be souls. Then everything becomes simple. As souls, all are equal and there are no differences of race, nationality, religion, culture, language etc.
11:07:30 AM
Posted By Listen to Me Comments (0) Society

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