Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Politicians - From bad to worse
The Demolition of many an illegal building through out Kerala even though attracted less attention globally provides much to contemplate on many issues which has bee plaguing Kerala for quite a while. Kerala chief Minister V. S. Achuthanandan initiated a not much accepted (in the political circles) demolition drive of illegal buildings throughout the “Gods own country”, starting from the well known tourist destination, the highest point in Kerala - Munnar. These buildings were a sign of the cancer that had spread in the society noiselessly. The victims: the nature, the middle class and the poor. Who are behind these illegal activities? Is it the so called Mafia or is it the politicians. This is a nexus that has been running between the Mafia and the politicians for years. The current CM is definitely swung the first shot in trying to put an end to it. His efforts and that of three IPS officers in charge are definitely to be lauded. While the entire Kerala stand behind them in support, the people who stand against him are his own colleagues and Congress. It shows utter irresponsibility towards the public and a support to crony capitalists who have been mushrooming through out the state.The general public is the main victim of the extreme politicization of society who does not have voice of their own, but barks whenever their political masters tell them to. Often these small town politicians are also into illegal businesses including black money, land and pornography which have become rampant in Kerala, The price which the society in a larger picture is paying due to lack of the much needed attention from the ignorant rulers. Often the conduit for carrying out these activities is youths. Though we know Kerala as a state with high literacy rate and the state which saw phenomenal social revolution, but underneath something was going wrong. What was that is definitely a question to ponder. The reason is well understood by the public which is of course the seed sown by time. Due to the lack of industries and irrigation and other means of work, the society was increasingly becoming idle and idle mind breeds all evil. The brunt of this evil has been mostly turned towards women. The youths lured by quick money prospects and completely dogmatized by politics, and the nexus running deep between political parties and mafia, fall prey easily to these social evils.Women face the brunt of sexual perverts which has been social catastrophe without any remedy at sight. These issues are been pushed under carpet without any debate on why it was happening in the so called most literate state. The aura around the word literacy can by itself be debated. Is Literacy just the understanding of a language to read and write? Well, I personally feel that literacy should be calculated on the percentage of knowledge an individual has. I’m sure if you consider this, the total percentage of literacy in Kerala would barely cross 60%? The ghost of laziness has crept into the mainstream society, one of the reasons as to why the Manoramas and the Mathrabhumi’s has been coined as the largest selling dailies in India. The social fabric in the state is such that it discourages mingling of children of both sexes which has become a rule of sorts. This is slowly changing and one can only hope that future generation boys do not poke their nose in to private areas. Not anymore should we push these issues under the carpet. The rot that has set in for a long time should be dealt with immediately. Till now we lacked a leader at the helm who have the courage to call spade a spade in the last two decade. Now Chief Minister Achuthanandan has hit at the root of the problem which can shake the society from slumber.One can only hop this rolling stone rolls for some more time. The way CPI (M) leader Pinnarayi Vijayan who is a well known critic of Achuthanandan within the party commented on the demolition drive which was endorsed by Supreme Court clearly shows the rot inside the society. Even in this case he did not miss a chance to take a dig at Achuthanandan; whom he had used all his influence in preventing the present CM occupying chief minister’s chair. He succeeded in throwing out so many old communists, honest politicians, from the party followed by an influx of crony capitalists in to the party who deals in land, black money and other antisocial activities and their main weapons, youth. The vulgar politicization of society was a Damocles sword hanging on Keraliites for a long time.The opposition leader from Congress, Oomen chandy produces sound bites for himself; making a fool of himself. The balance of power shifting in a sea saw fashion in Kerala have never worked any wonders in Kerala. The current political spectrum in India by and large requires a change over which can work wonders for our country. All they do is win election on money power or they need a wave of sympathy to get in to power on an anti- incumbency wave.The only way is for the youth to find their voice lost in excessive politicization is to get out of this quagmire of deception from political parties. Those who still respect the old guards who brought about social revolution and has not lost their moral compass should raise their voice in a non-political platform.Except for few one off corrections which the current incumbent CM has made, Kerala has always been a ground for underdevelopment – a constant phrase which is hidden by various highlights of negativities like the “BANDH” which gets unwanted highlights for well known political gains.What’s happening in Kerala is just an example of what’s happening in our country and the loop holes in a democratic system. The alarm bells continue to ring with no head away even after 60 years of independence. What a Shame!! I’ve personally decided never to vote to elect anyone from the Indian political bandwagon which consist only of bunch of jokers barring a very few like Achuthanandan and Vajpaiee; My modest Kudos to them. However I continue to be perturbed by the state of affairs of India.Few questions that ponder in my mind are· Wouldn’t India have been better if in case British had ruled for another 25-50 years?· Is it time for India to follow the China way· When would the Political forum allow education for all which I doubt would even happen in the next 75 years as the corrupt Political parties would be the biggest losers in this eventuality· Whether the out dated constitution and other aging rules will ever be re written for the better· If a mandatory rule can be scripted to bar the ever aging politicians not be allowed to rule our country post the retirement age thereby allowing the young blood to run our country more efficiently· When would a rule be in place that permits only an educated individual is permitted to enter any legislative assemblyOn a lighter note i'm sure we all also wonder as to when the ambassador car would stop being manufactured, when we seems to progressing in many fronts which is far from reality in the so called "Gods own Country".
3:21:43 PM
Posted By Hari Nair Comments (0) Politics