Sunday, May 20, 2007

Basically all eligions teach the same Truths

Friday, May 18, 2007
Basically all Religions teach the same Truths.
From time immemorial, people were discussing spiritual topics. A fortunate few could gain wisdom through persistant practice and they in turn try to enlighten the people with their wisdom. Hence, we have to day lot of philosophical writings piled up in each religious treditions. If we go through all these, we will understand that the basic principles of these philosophies are one and the same. All religions talk about Unity of mankind, the one god who is common to all but naming the god in different way. Fundamentally there is no difference. Each religious sect evolved over different periods of time to suit the region, the mentality of people at that time. Hence outwardly there bound to be differences in practices which led to diverse opinions and people who were clever, tried to earn a few bucks by highlighting the outward differences but not the underlying Unity of all religions.Hence we must emphasize on the basic Unity and not the outward diversity. Sairam.Saipriya.
3:02:40 PM
Posted By Nagarajan Sambasivan Comments (2) Society
Balaji Friday, May 18, 2007 3:41:23 PM
But right from British rule to today's politicians have divided the people based on the religion. Law differs for different religion. Uniform law is needed.
Balaji Friday, May 18, 2007 3:52:33 PM
But right from British rule to today's politicians have divided the people based on the religion. Law differs for different religion. Uniform law is needed.

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