Thursday, March 8, 2007

Nothingness: An Infinite Dimensional Convergence Point

Thursday, March 8, 2007
Nothingness: An Infinite Dimensional Convergence Point
This is introduction to my second Manuscript. The work is in progress. Your feedback will be appreciated.
In child hood I was forbidden to go to places where no one lives. The simple reason, I was told that something bad might happen and then I will find no one to help. It was the very first time I got the glimpse of word ‘Nothing’. This made me wonder how does ‘that place’ look where ‘Nothing Resides’.
Then I heard a story:
“Once, a great master asked his followers to behead a goat at a lonely place where no one is present. Every one did except one since he found himself where ever he took the goat for slaughtering. And he passed the test.”
So, early days of my life suggested me that Nothingness is associated with lack of human life. But as I grew up my definition of Nothingness keeps on changing. Like formal education in science suggested me that Nothingness can also be created by pumping all the air out from a can and this creates a vacuum. Similarly, Nothingness also exists in the Real Time Space (which we refer as universe around us) where no time, space and matter exists as Black Hole. But that was not enough; Nothingness can also be achieved if a human mind evolves so much that it overcomes the temptation of picking thoughts. Based on above discussion we can classify people in three groups:
Set of Common Man: It is set of people who cannot look beyond matter.
Set of Scientist: It is set of people who can look beyond matter, like space, time etc but still they have not succeed to go beyond 11 dimensions. It has been proposed by science that Real Time Space consists of 11 dimensions and that is how far science has been able to penetrate while trying to develop understanding.
Set of Enlightened Soul: It is set of people who claim that some how they have managed to break the barrier of 11 dimensions and have suggested that there lies a beautiful world which is better in every dimension as compared to Real Time Space.
If I call:
‘Nothingness is absence of an entity.’
Then, ‘This Entity’ will vary from one individual to another. Like:
For an individual lying in set of common man entity will be matter. The simplest example is “Vacuum created by pumping out the air from container till no air resides in the container.” Though no matter exists inside container but it stills contain space and time.
For an individual lying in set of scientist entity will be uniform composition of space, matter and time. For example, Black Hole.
For an individual lying in set of an enlightened soul entity will be virtues, sins, thoughts virtually everything. This should be Absolute Nothingness.
Thus, it won’t be completely justified if I say nothingness is absence of some entity since it will be true from prospective of only some individuals lying in either set of people mentioned above.
So, Nothingness bound to have different versions. For the people lying in first group it does not matter if Nothingness exists or not. They are just ignorant observer. They will observe but still lack the drive to pursue it and hence will ignore it. For people in third group seem to know everything thus they are no more in pursuit of finding about Nothingness. But people lying in second group are really desperate to know about Nothingness. No matter what they have to do they will use all the intellect of world to determine if it exists or not. And if it does then how to achieve it using approaches they have. And if no approach exists or works then they will innovate to develop one.
It is well know that beyond Earth’s atmosphere exists a great vacuum. But still scientists don’t call it as Nothingness. The explanation seems to be simple. If somehow scientists manage to cut the small piece of same universe then it will still contain the space if not matter. Hence, scientists seem to treat space as an entity. Thus, following conclusion can be made:
“Vacuum, which can be thought of hollowness, does not mean Nothingness.”
The question which strikes to mind why I am talking about Hollowness? What is the significance of Hollowness here? Well, I will like to demonstrate that it is easy for an individual to confuse between Hollowness and Nothingness as there is a thin line between two. Hence, the probability of person giving his quest without reaching the ultimate experience of Nothingness is quite high. Hollowness is manmade i.e. it is a feeling which arises in a human because of dejection or failure. Hollowness is incompleteness and weakens a person. Since, human is surrounded by desires and they can break him anytime. Where as Nothingness is an experience of completeness. Nothingness strengthens an individual and an individual is no more surrounded by desires.
Above I have suggested three types of Nothingness which can be perceived by different set of people. And it seems very obvious that no matter where Nothingness exists or how it is achieved, matter, space and thoughts seem to converge into it. We can define dimensions for matter and space for how many dimensions we will require for thoughts representation, we are still not sure about it. Considering present State of Mathematics and Science I assume that thought representation will have countable but infinite dimensions (For details refer to A Man is A Thought: Scientific and Theological Journey to Space of Thoughts by same author). Thus if Nothingness is achieved when thoughts cease to exist, then I am sure there will be entities which will have more dimensions than thoughts. And they will also cease to exist at one point.
This all only suggests that:
“Infinite dimensions have converged to a single point and that point is related to Nothingness.”
11:27:14 AM
Posted By Tarundeep Singh Comments (1) Uncategorized

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