Thursday, March 1, 2007

Reply to Irshad

Thursday, March 1, 2007
Reply to Irshad
Dear readers, this blog is to answer irshad's querries. Though I have posted these comments on his blog, but thought that it would be better if I post them in a separate blog.
Irshad4u Tuesday, February 27, 2007 8:22:08 PM
Mr. Infidel you love only to hate others and I think this what your religion says. May Allaha Guide you to the right path
Infidel Tuesday, February 27, 2007 8:58:21 PM
Dear Irshad, It's islam who teaches to hate non believers, not any other major relgion. Show me1) a single verse in quran saying "love nonbelievers unconditionally"2)any other major religion saying to hate muslimsWhere as Islam preaches to hate christians, jews, pagan and all idolators. Can you deny this? NO, you cannot.What we infidels are trying to show you people is that you have been fooled for 1400 years by teaching of pedophile MO. We are not against muslims as human beings but we certainly are against 7th century barbaric cult "islam" which is a threat to the civilised world.You can see that many of your brothers on this blogsphere were enlightened by the truth and they saw the evil in islam. A pedophile cannot be a prophet of a true god, but certainly be of a satan. Don't you realise that? Do you get aroused by seeing a 6 years old girl? (I don't think so). If YES, you are a true follower of pedo MO. But if NO, why you are following a pedophile, who ruined ayesha's childhood just to satisfy his lust?Ask yourself Irshad, is your conscious is so dead that you can not accept the obvious truth? Wake up Irshad, it's never too late.
Irshad4u Wednesday, February 28, 2007 3:40:14 PM
I have posted around 100 articles but in non of them I talk bad of other religions - but I have been seeing you all the guys, that your job is only to blame others I just won’t know when people like you will start to look around and learn Good. I Hope you will try to understand me. May Allaha guide you to the right Path.
Infidel Thursday, March 1, 2007 6:52:47 PM
Dear brother Irshad, I can see the change in your tone. So I'll also reciprocate in same manner. I request you to read calmly and understand what I mean, please.Irshad, I have not read all of your blogs yet, but I believe what you said. FIne. There are two reasons why we critisize Islam.1)There is a compulsion in Islam (DOn't bring some copy-paste saying NO compulsion verse-PLease read my article on that before you proceed). It actually forces to believe that 'ISlam is the only true religion', 'Allah is the only true god', 'quran is the final word of god' and 'MO is the final messenger'.None of these is true. And No other religion teaches hate and voilence to the extent islam does. All other religions reformed to meet changes, but islam stuck in 7th century barbarism.2)There is a serious threat to the civilised world from Islam and its practising muslims.It's duty of a true muslim to convert or kill or subjugate & tax nonmsulims in order to make islam the only religion on the earth.Which makes us critisize islam and make people (both muslims and nonmuslims)aware about danger of islam.There are serious problems in all religions but they are within themselves and are not threat to the civilised world but islam is actually a cult not religion hence is a serious threat.Trust me, I want to help you find the truth about true god and humanity. you people have been deceived for 1400 years and now it's time to wake up and learn the truth. Irshad, see how your brothers here and elsewhere are seeing the truth that islam is false and denouncing it. Please give it a try.
Infidel Thursday, March 1, 2007 7:02:48 PM
Irshad, why we infidels are so confident that quran is word of Mo? Because we saw many errors in it. True god can not make a single error.During my debate and in my blogs and comments here, I have proved time and again those errors, but no muslim brother could answer even a single question asked by me. Why?Because, if they say the truth then it will be proven that quran is from MO, so they decided to keep silent and evade the questions.Take your example, I asked you many things, but you never answered any. Most you did is a copy-paste stuff, which also got rebuttal. The same thing happened to all muslim bloggers here, including muneer, ajmal, TT, Rumple etc. Nobody could give a to the point answer but copy-paste from "authentic (read crap)islamic site". See the post from TT about quran saying "electricity", "Aero plane technology" and "voyager to Moon". By believeing such absurd things, actually you people are showing that you have surrendered your brain and thinking power to your faith. Which is not right. God have given us brain to judge right & wrong and we should check by ourselves that whether we are fooled or not. A single error in quran proves that it is not from god but from MO. I have shown you people many errors in it.Then, what are you waiting for? Irshad, do you think that a 54 years grandpa bonking a child of 9 is noble? NO irshad, no way. It's not even good, rather it is the worst thing, how can it be noble and how can be such a person be prophet of true GOD?Mo actually ruined ayesha's childhood to fulfill his lust. Can't you see this simple thing? Wake up Irshad, read quran and sunnah one more time by yourself, not Dr Naik or mulla's version(while keeping my points in your mind), I am sure you will see many errors in it.May god help you in seeking the truth. Amen
Infidel Thursday, March 1, 2007 7:20:52 PM
Dear irshad,I am not against muslims as human beings but certianly against ideology of islam. There are good and bad people in all religions and all places.There are three types of muslims:1)Intelligent muslims: One who questioned islam, searched by themselves, saw the truth and left islam.2)Innocent muslims: who believe what is being told to them and never questioned. So actually they don't know the actual teachings of islam and hence belive that islam means peace and tolerance, quran is word of god etc. These people can go to category 1 or 3, depends upon input given to them. Most mulsims today falls in this category.3)Cunning muslims: those who knows that islam is evil and still use taqiyya to mislead people (category 2 muslims and nonluslims) to fulfill their wishes. Most of such bigots are very rich and powerfull in muslim society. They get money from Islamic organisations and preach hate & voilence. They are hypocrates and liars, like our politicians. Have you seen any mullah's son or brother going for suicide bombing, leave alone himself becoming "SHAHEED". NO. They look for other innocent muslims for spreading terror in the name of god. They are devils, not priests.Try to understand what i mean and then reply, if necessary.
7:47:38 PM
Posted By Infidel M Comments (0) Musings

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